It examines:
- What are some of the driving forces behind creating a legacy?
- What are the foundational building blocks to building a legacy?
- How does a leader shape their legacy?
- Are there experiences that will help define and shape legacy?
In the 100the episode of her podcast, Lois talks with author and business growth expert Frank Bria. The author of Scalable Consulting: Use a High-Ticket Program to Transform Your 6-Figure Practice into a 7-Figure Enterprise, Frank shares how to “productize” a service business.
Frank shares how to productize the business and distill it down to a system that creates the client’s desired outcome.
“Your job, as the service provider, is to make the complex simple,” Frank explains and to “create order from chaos.” It’s also critical, Frank believes, for business owners to take accountability for their clients’ results.
Lois commented that “I appreciate Frank’s approach. Many of us have tired of the hype and no result. Focus on the outcome, build processes, and see your business grow.”
Episode highlights:
- How scalability requires one to stick with the five methods of delivering services
- What it takes to break through the $400,000 annual revenue barrier
- How a well-designed program has SAM — skills, accountability, and mentorship
- The four things people really want when they buy something
- The biggest mistake consultants can make
Listen to this episode on the Business Innovators Radio Network here
Learn More about Frank Bria: https://www.frankbria.com/
About achieving 100 episodes, Lois commented “I enjoy doing podcasts because I learn so much from the people with whom I talk. They challenge my thinking, stretch me, and enlarge my vision. I am a better consultant and coach because of these podcasts. I am deeply indebted to the wisdom and insights people have shared on my podcast.”
Lois has worked with a diverse range of business leaders to develop a leadership process that can transition to building a legacy. Lois is dedicated to helping successful leaders complete their leadership cycle by creating a meaningful, reflective legacy of their life and work.
Organizations can get started by talking with Lois Sonstegard at Build2Morrow. Increasing brand position by measuring the impact of social responsibility efforts is only one of the topics explored in the Building My Legacy podcast series, hosted by Lois Sonstegard. By talking with industry experts on a wide variety of topics that affect business and nonprofit leaders, the podcast will encourage, stimulate, challenge, and motivate leaders to effectively build their own legacy.
Build2Morrow also offers powerful online and on-site training, assessments, and tools to maximize effectiveness as a leader. Talk with Lois Sonstegard about how she can help achieve individual and organizational success. To book a call, click here: https://calendly.com/lois-sonstegard/15min-1.
Lois Sonstegard, Build2Morrow