Venessa: Hello Linda, thank you taking the time to share some of your expertise with us today. To start off, could you tell us a little bit about yourself and what you do?
Linda: Sure! I help women over the age of 40 to reclaim their health so they can finally have the body and wellness they desire. I’m also the #1 bestselling author of Live,Love,Exercise.
Venessa: How did you come to be passionate about helping women over 40 to reclaim their health?
Lloyd:Â I love health and fitness and have been in the industry all of my working life. As I hit 40, I started to pull women of the same age to me. They were all wanting to know how I was able to stay so trim. It naturally progressed from there.
Venessa: Was there a defining moment when you knew helping these women was your calling?
Linda: Not a defining moment as such, more a defining year. I ran marketing for a whole 12 months and over that period I spoke to thousands of  40 plus women. All were telling the same story, they had put themselves last to family and careers, all unhappy with their weight and the majority with health issues such as depression, thyroid problems etc and didn’t know who to turn to. I didn’t realize there was such an epidemic of unhealthy & unhappy women of a certain age. It changed the course of my work.
Venessa: I imagine there are questions you are asked all the time. What’s the most common question people ask about your work?
Linda: The most common question I get asked is how do you stay in such great shape and how can I do it. The answer to those questions are easy, focus on your health, keep it simple and consistent.
Venessa: You talked a bit about how women don’t really know who to turn to. What do they do if they can’t find someone to help them?
Linda: I have found that they will bury these really important needs under the carpet, they eventually come to a stand still when exhaustion or disease shows up. Usually not knowing who to turn to is an excuse made from fear. I encourage all women to make themselves a priority and search out the necessary support to take the steps to start making a change.
Venessa: It’s plain to see that you love your work. What do you do for your own self care to keep yourself going?
Linda: I eat well everyday, move my body and sleep is a priority. Work and helping others is such a huge part of my life, so I look after my health and wellbeing to be able to serve on my greatest level.
Venessa: Talking with you today has been great, you’re doing fantastic work and it was an honor to get a glimpse of it. To end, could you leave us with a bit of advice for women who might be struggling with weight and health issues?
Linda: Sure, I would encourage them to take a stand for what they want..
To learn more about Linda and what she offers, visit her website  or email her at