Alyson Silverman is co-author of Default Industry Leaders first edutainment book about foreclosures and the Real Estate Owned (REO) industry and earned the ranking of No. 1 bestseller and No. 1 Hot New Release upon its debut in multiple categories including Real Estate Sales and Selling, Economics Development and Growth, Economics Urban and Regional, and Econometrics.
Default Industry Leaders Authors in order of chapters include Kristen Conti, Lana Cook Detro, Alyson Silverman, Kimberly Brunson, Tammy Seymour, Jennifer Patnode, Louis Fontaine, and Brandy Nelson.
Silverman contributed her chapter “Nine Cops Guns Drawn, 8 Chickens A-Laying, 2 Evictions and a Partridge in a Pear Tree” to the project.
Silverman is joined by co-authors Kristen Conti, Lana Cook Detro, Kimberly Brunson, Tammy Seymour, Jennifer Patnode, Louis Fontaine, and Brandy Nelson.
“Foreclosure Tails: A Day in the Life of a REO Broker” is designed to be both educational and entertaining with real stories and adventures from each of the authors.
The entertainment chapters in order of appearance include “Hurry Up and Wait” by Kristen Conti; “Hoarding, Haunting, and Dead Man Walking” by Lana Cook Detro; “Nine Cops Guns Drawn, 8 Chickens A-Laying, 2 Evictions and a Partridge in a Pear Tree” by Alyson Silverman; “How to Win Friends and Influence Foreclosured Home Buyers in Today’s Marketplace” by Kimberly Brunson; “Tails of the Wild” by Tammy Seymour and Jennifer Patnode; “Someone Has to Clean Up the Mess” by Louis Fontaine, and “Challenge Accepted” by Brandy Nelson.
The educational chapters include market updates for each location represented by the authors, client testimonials, and a glossary of default industry real estate terms.
Over the course of her real estate career, Alyson Silverman has consistently been awarded for her sales production. She credits her success to her focus on continuous improvement, negotiating skills, and commitment to provide her buyers and sellers with the information and tools they need to make sound decisions.
To match her services to the needs of her clients, Silverman has continually worked to further her education. She completed an advanced series of coursework to earn the following designations: Certified Distressed Property Expert (CDPE), Accredited Staging Professional which adds dollars onto the sale of your home and helps to sell your home quicker as a free service to her clients (ASP), Accredited Real Estate Owned (AREO), REO Default Certified Professional (RDCPro), and Certified HAFA Specialist, (CHS) which allows her to provide her clients with valuable guidance about the Home Affordable Foreclosure Alternatives (HAFA) program, and Senior Real Estate Specialist (SRES). Alyson has been selected to be one of 10 agents nationally on the 2013 Force Advisory Board to show her dedication to her Short Sale and Foreclosure clients.
As an active member in the Real Estate community, Alyson has served several years on the Grievance and Pro Standards committees for the Southland Regional Association of Realtors, and in 2017 she served on their YPN committee. At her own Keller Williams Office, she was on 2017 ALC (Associate Leadership Council). She is also charter member of the Default Industry Leaders, serving two years on their Board of Directors and this is her second year serving on the Default Committee for AREAA. She also devoted several years to her own HOA board and participates in many charity events annually. She recently became a member of the exclusive Keller Williams Sports & Entertainment group.
Before she entered the real estate business, Silverman leveraged the knowledge she acquired from earning her degree in Business Administration and Marketing at California State University Northridge (CSUN) to work for Amgen in Newbury Park.
When asked about why she chose to pursue a career in real estate, she commented, “A friend of mine saw a spark in my eye whenever he mentioned real estate and encouraged me to get my license. Real estate is truly my passion. I love helping people build wealth, avoid foreclosure, or simply find their piece of the American dream.”
State of The Market Los Angeles/Ventura Counties
“The market has shifted/corrected a bit in Los Angeles and Ventura counties. Interest rate increases have knocked a lot of buyers out and homes are staying on the market longer for a few reasons,” said Silverman.
“While I wish I had a crystal ball, I do not. I do believe that the market will normalize. Prices might temporarily decrease due to a lack of buyers (lack of demand); however, in the long-term prices will always go up and buying is always better than renting and paying someone else’s mortgage.”
About Default Industry Leaders
Default Industry Leaders is a non-profit organization. Any proceeds from this book will be donated to charitable causes. The purpose of the group is to support other REO brokers, to open the doors to newer agents who may wish to break into the default segment of the market but have been denied access, and to market Default Industry Leaders effectively to potential clients and the buying public.
Features and benefits of DIL for Professionals: