Phil Faris is the host of Never Too Late for Fitness Radio, best-selling author of the book, Never Too Late! 21 Strategies to Reclaim Your Fitness After 50 and a Boomer health advocate who is committed to helping people over fifty discover the right fitness and lifestyle solutions so that they can lead longer, healthier and happier lives.
According to the Brain Injury Association of America, every year in the U.S., about 2.6 million people have some type of brain injury — whether as a result of trauma, stroke, tumor, or other illnesses, according to the. About 52,000 die as a result of traumatic brain injury, and more than 5 million Americans who have suffered traumatic brain injury require assistance in performing daily activities.
Brain Hanson, brain injury survivor and advocate, said, “Before my injury, I was active, on the go, and living life to its fullest. Then, I “died”, and I came back because I still have “stuff to do”. My recovery has been slow and involves physical rehabilitation, as well as, retraining my brain. Because my brain processes things differently now, daily task and activities represent major challenges. That is why I always carry a daily task organizer with me to help compensate for my short-term memory loss.”
Hanson said, “People think that it’s ironic that before my brain injury, I was a nurse who cared for brain injured patients. To me it is a blessing. Without that insight as a nurse, I would never have made it this far with my recovery.”
During the interview, Hanson explained the challenges he faces living with an invisible disability. Hanson shared, “People see me, and I look normal. But I am not. Simple tasks and activities are challenging, and people get frustrated with me because I can’t “just do it!” I want to tell them, “hey I’m brain injured,” but I don’t.”
When host Phil Faris asked what he you going to do with your second chance at life, Hanson talked about his goals and making the world a better place. “I am going to do the best I can to adapt to my disability and live a full and productive life. I am working on an invention that could improve the lives of billions of people. My progress is slow but steady. I also spend time talking about faith and I’ll be working with the Bison Foundation a 501(3)(c) nonprofit that helps brain injured people with their recovery.”
The interview concluded with Hanson saying the most important lesson he has learned on his journey is, “Never, never, never, never, never give up!”
To listen to the full interview go to Never Too Late For Fitness Radio
To learn more about Brian Hanson, contact him at brianahanson@hotmail.com