Business & Life Coach, Lindsay Andreotti Discusses How She Helps People Feel Empowered To Create A Life They Love

Lindsay is showing people that they have the power to transform any aspect of their life, she works with organizations on team building and with individuals on getting what she calls a Ph.D. in themselves so that they can find their true purpose, and then be in service to humanity. Many people at some point in their life will feel stuck in some way and Lindsay has developed processes and tools that get them unstuck and past any obstacle. She does this through coaching, courses and live events. The result is her clients have more confidence and more capacity to fulfill their dreams than ever before. They feel like they are now equipped to make positive things happen in those circumstances that arise that before would trigger them and cause roadblocks. They feel empowered to create a new life that they love.

I sat down with Lindsay to learn more about how she helps her clients.


How do you assess the challenges and roadblocks that are keeping your clients from reaching their full potential?

It depends on the individual. What’s fun about this is that sometimes they come in thinking that their biggest challenge is physical health but then turns into them getting a holistic view of themselves so they can make changes in many aspects of their lives, not just one. They choose a pathway that feels good to them.  One aspect of the pathway might be individual coaching. One aspect might be joining a campfire chat with me and one of my many colleagues. One aspect may be coming to a live event where they’re with a hundred other people who are working on something that they want to shift in their lives. Another aspect might be coming on one of our cruises or retreats. We do transformation education all around the world. And that’s something that some people are inspired to go do. We call this transformation on vacation–and it’s the best way to get out of old patterns and form new ones. 

We show people the hologram of themselves, and then give them curriculum or tools that will enhance any aspect they deem most relevant.  We have many ways that help people realize their limiting beliefs and overcome obstacles that are holding them back. Our participants learn about health and healing and their physical bodies. They learn about shifting their mindset and reprogramming fear.  They learn about emotional management and energy and how to use this vehicle called the human body to serve their experience of life. And they often find new friends that are doing the same things and will learn right alongside them, offering each other support.


What stops people from getting help from a coach?

The biggest obstacle for most people getting help or guidance from a professional is not knowing if they truly need it or not. When the student is ready, the teacher appears is our motto, and we have found that to be the best time for anyone to have a coach is when they aren’t really looking.  One of the primary reasons they avoid hiring a coach is because they aren’t sure that they’re ready to let go of the thing that is holding them back from having what they want in life, or they truly don’t know what they want. I meet dreamers every day of the week, and I’m always surprised by what holds them back from stepping toward their dream.  I find that it comes at a certain time in their life when people are ready. It’s typically two things that inspire them to get started. One is so much pain that they can’t stand the old pattern anymore. They’re thinking, “Ugh, I’ve had it. I don’t know, I gotta make a change.” The other one is they are so inspired to make a difference and to commit to themselves that they are just running like the wind and they need someone to support them on that trail. Every person it’s different, but those are the two thought patterns that generally get them to commit to change and find Earth.University. 

Our participants are required to look at themselves as the creator of their experience and as their life as their classroom. I have a process for reprogramming fear. I have a process for finding what lights them up. I have a process that shows them a roadmap of a strategy that will move them in the direction of their dreams. I have a bazillion tools, (I’ll call it my toolkit) that comes out when I can pinpoint where the person is. So it’s never a one size fits all. Come do this and you’ll be transformed is the myth that is out there.  No one thing will be a silver bullet to a better life, but that’s the misconception that a lot of people are being told. We believe that every aspect of your life has a curriculum and we support our members in finding the right next learning opportunity for their growth and fulfillment.

When people hear about Earth.University for the first time, 99 out of a hundred people go, whoa, so cool. I want to know more about that. What happens in that early thought process is they begin to think about looking inward to find the answer that they’ve been looking for. It’s difficult to determine what makes people finally decide to take the proactive steps necessary to lead a more fulfilling life. It’s sort of like the caterpillar becoming a butterfly. A caterpillar does not know exactly why he/she is called to go on a certain day to build a cocoon, but I do know that they know that it’s the right time and then they find the space to build the cocoon. Earth.University is a lot like the cocoon. It’s a safe place to go to liquify what you’ve been and then become the fullest expression of what you’re intended to be–the butterfly. That’s why I call this process getting a Ph.D. in yourself because when people go through that process and they come out feeling like a whole new being that now has a new passion, purpose, and pattern.  And the best part is, now they get to go hang with a bunch of other butterflies. Our alumni are some of the butterflies who have gone through the process.

Jeremy Baker

Jeremy Baker has a passion for helping his clients get recognition as experts in their fields. His approach to interviewing helps his clients tell their stories and talk about their unique set of experiences and backgrounds.