GivingTuesday is more than just charitable donations; it’s impacting lives and providing individuals the opportunity to make a difference. GivingTuesday, celebrated the Tuesday after Thanksgiving each year, was created in 2012 as a simple idea: a day that encourages people to do good. Over the past nine years, this idea has grown into a global movement that inspires hundreds of millions of people to give, collaborate, and celebrate generosity.
“Our commitment to directly impact families throughout the nation and fulfill the Great Commission is part of who we are as an organization. This GivingTuesday, we encourage you to pray about how you can live more generously by supporting individuals through Medi-Share’s Extra Blessings program or families in crisis through the Global Orphan Project.” –Scott Reddig, CEO of Christian Care Ministry
Extra Blessings is a Medi-Share donation program to support families with adoption expenses or costly medical bills ineligible for sharing. When you give to the Extra Blessings fund, you are helping vulnerable individuals walk through a potentially difficult season of life. This is what the Medi-Share community is all about – bearing each other’s burdens as demonstrated by the Early Church in the book of Acts in the Bible.
“I greatly appreciate all those who donated to the Extra Blessing program so that my medical bills can be paid. A great load has been lifted and I feel very blessed. I’d like to pass that blessing on to each and every one who paid that extra donation for such a purpose. God bless and keep you all”. -Don S.
Through the National Outreach Program, Medi-Share supports the work of The Global Orphan Project/CarePortal, which exists to break the orphan cycle through the power of community, commerce, and the love of Jesus. Setting traditional institutional orphan care models aside, we’re connecting a global family united by a shared vision to care for children and vulnerable families.
Medi-Share is excited to offer both of these options to encourage others to give to those in need. With GivingTuesday approaching, there is no better time to express your generosity than now!
To learn more about how to give, visit https://extrablessings.liquid-payments.com Or https://www.careportal.org
About Christian Care Ministry/ Medi-Share: Christian Care Ministry (CCM), a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) corporation, based in Melbourne, FL, operates the Medi-Share program, a Christian health care sharing program that provides an affordable alternative to health insurance for faith-based consumers. Founded in 1993, Medi-Share currently serves more than 380,000 members across America.