San Francisco based investor, Jason Calacanis, recently launched the Open Book Challenge offering a $100,000 investment to 7 teams who can build a billion-user social network to replace Facebook with privacy at the forefront. Calacanis, an early investor in Uber and author, heads the contest to replace Facebook with a service that protects user privacy.
Thousands entered the competition with UK based photo sharing platform ClickASnap announced in the final 20.
Being one of its kind, similar to the way YouTube monetises video viewing, ClickASnap is proud to compensate users for their contribution to the platform. The Open Book Challenge investment prize is in return for the industry standard of 6% stake of the entrant’s company. Should they win, at only two years old, the UK company ClickASnap would become valued at $2m.
Tom Oswald, CEO of ClickASnap, states, “I love seeing the quality of the photos and how users engage with each other’s images.” Oswald continues, “This year we are actively engaging with our users and determining what they want. For instance, redesigning user profile pages to be more personalised. We have brought in automatic image recognition so even images that are not tagged with keywords the platform helps your photos still be found.”
ClickASnap currently hosts 1 million image views a month with 25-50,000 images viewed each day. 300-500 images are uploaded to the platform each day by 1-2,000 daily users.
The world’s largest paid per view, free to use, image sharing platform, set out to help people earn money for their work. While other platforms earn money from users million view video hits, ClickASnap gives all users monetary compensation for their image views.
ClickASnap is constantly evolving and finding new ways to engage with users and determine user desires and expectations from the platform. Automatic image recognition has been added as a feature. Images without associated keywords will be recognised and tagged automatically to enable user images to be found in searches.
The photo-sharing platform allows users to sell photos as downloads and physical prints as well as engage in a community of users. ClickASnap aims to become the world’s largest still image club with 1 million users a day in the near future.
ClickASnap has a higher image quality, more user compensation and features than other paid photo hosting. The platform is free to register, allowing all with an avid interest in photography to sign up.
Winners of the Open Book Challenge will be announced in September 2018.
Register for a free ClickASnap account at: www.clickasnap.com