Trained in pediatric emergency medicine, Dr. Paul evaluated the quality of nationwide discharge instructions for pediatric concussion in pediatric and adult emergency departments through a grant from the American College of Emergency Physicians. What she discovered was alarming: concussion discharge instructions from most emergency departments nationwide were substandard and many practitioners still advocate a program of activity avoidance and cocooning after a concussion. Most current studies reveal that active, targeted therapy can dramatically alter and shorten a patient’s recovery. Dr. Paul’s book, Concussion: Your Game Plan for Recovery, offers groundbreaking concussion treatment plans for parents, practitioners, and patients seeking recovery after these traumatic injuries.
Dr. Paul has seen too many patients with concussions, or functional brain disturbances, suffering for weeks—even months—in a crippling state of disability. With concussions proving invisible on CT scans or MRIs, patients in the past were told to simply rest and avoid all activity including screen time, but their host of symptoms often worsened. On a personal note, Dr. Paul experienced the confusion herself when her son was diagnosed with a concussion and they were left in the dark with how to treat him.
Determined to change the course for her son and others like him, Dr. Paul homed in on concussion research and has since lectured extensively on her findings to youth sports organizations and other medical professionals. According to Dr. Paul’s findings in recent research, concussions are treatable with an active approach. Concussions fall into various subtypes that determine the best course for accelerating recovery.
“It is vital that professionals, patients, and family members are aware of the effects of concussions and the best approaches to a smooth recovery,” said Dr. Paul. “My mission is to make concussions easy to understand and treat.”
Dr. Paul passes on her years of training and experience with world-renowned institutions in her book that promises a detailed discussion of current concussion diagnosis and treatment plans for patients and families who feel hopeless in the recovery journey of this invisible injury that significantly alters the quality of life.
Concussion: Your Game Plan for Recovery will be available on Amazon on December 19th, 2019, offering hope for patients and medical professionals stuck in the confusion of concussions.
About Dr. Audrey Paul: Dr. Paul is a recognized expert in concussion diagnosis and management. She received her undergraduate degree in Biochemistry from Harvard College, and completed her medical and residency training at the Mt. Sinai School of Medicine in NYC. She completed her fellowship training in pediatric emergency medicine at Columbia Presbyterian and is double-boarded in pediatrics and pediatric emergency medicine. Dr. Paul was the alternate chancellor for the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) Pediatric Emergency Medicine Committee, practices pediatric emergency medicine at NYU Winthop and is the founder and director of Advanced Concussion Solutions LLC in New York and Connecticut. She lives in Westport, CT with her husband and two children, both of whom play ice hockey.