Confidence Expert Michelle Mehta Shares Her Success Secrets and Entrepreneurial Journey

Izdihar: What’s your secret to balancing your family, business and ME time?

Michelle: Create healthy boundaries around self-care and focus on making it a priority first thing in the morning before the other priorities get in the way. I really enjoy starting my day with a hot shower and meditating for 10 minutes. Having the right mindset first thing in the morning sets the tone for the rest of the day and the intentions that I set are accomplished before the day is over.


Izdihar: What’s 1 key action that anybody can take today to move closer to their goals?

Michelle: Invest in yourself by hiring a professional, coach, mentor, psychologist, counselor, or therapist, that is aligned with your goals and can create accountability for you along the way. Investing in personal development is the best gift you can give yourself to have your goals and visions become a reality.


Izdihar. Do you have any free gifts to offer? 

Michelle: I am offering a free gift: The Motivate Your Teen Success Guide – 10 Secrets to Motivate Any Teen & Help Them Be Confident. It is available on my website:


Izdihar: How can people get in touch with you? 

Michelle: If this article has resonated with you, please feel free to be in touch with me:






Izdihar: What do your clients say are the best thing about working with you?

Michelle: They love my presence, enthusiasm, and joy that I bring to each coaching session. They appreciate the effort and the progress made during the time they work with me. They are grateful for the guidance and support in increasing their confidence. They see coaches who train themselves based on old or new ways, but still in a formulaic way. Michelle does not do this; she listens and then coaches. There is no greater way and that is the most important compliment. She is a heart-centered leader who always puts her clients’ needs first. She truly cares about her work and what she can offer in each session. She is real, authentic, and transparent. You know she wants the best for her clients.

Dr. Izdihar Jamil

Dr. Izdihar Jamil, Ph.D.—#1 International Bestselling Author of Money Makers, TV Show Host and Visibility Expert—has appeared on FORBES, Fox TV, and She helps leaders to be SEEN, HEARD and CHOSEN as the go-to experts in their field with proven, predictable and effective methods. She’s also the Curator for TEDxHuntingtonBeach. She lives in California with her husband and children, she loves baking and reading. More info on Izdihar: