Creating Leaders and Global Change With Dawn Bates

Creating Leaders and Global Change With Dawn Bates
In today’s world, filled with numerous social and economic challenges, one might think this to be a difficult task. But for Bates, it’s all a matter of perspective and her views convey the “anything is possible” mentality!

Bates is an international best-selling author, author coach and strategist, publisher, molecule shaking speaker, Digital Ocean Nomad and self-proclaimed ‘Banksy’ Mermaid with a well-known infectious giggle. Her published works include, The Trilogy of Life Itself and The Sacral Series, as well as being Executive Contributor for the House of Preeminence and One Tribe magazines. Eager to begin her mission, to impart global change, Bates is leading a 7-Month AUTHORity Mastermind, launching in 2021, in which she will utilize her more than 22 years of continuous professional and personal development, and relentless passion for study to help those who are wanting to create massive change themselves and publish game-changing books.

Bates’ 7-month AUTHORity Mastermind, with only 11 spots available for the course, is a powerful program that goes deep into the concepts of leadership and provides a comprehensive guide for becoming a true leader. It will prepare others in areas of cross-cultural global leadership, communication for true community cohesion, service to and of humanity, creating a powerful legacy, building and expanding your brand and standing in truth so intently that those participating cannot help but own it and speak it! The AUTHORity Mastermind will also fully enable participants to write, publish and launch compelling books by the end of the 7-Month Mastermind.

With the ultimate goal of giving individuals an even louder voice in regards to global issues and today’s trending topics, Bates’ leadership strategies, in all of the courses and programs she offers, are designed to create exceptional leaders alike, who in turn are inspired to lead other leaders. As an authority on leading, to create exceptional results by promoting self-reflection and inciting thought-provoking discussions, Bates has a remarkable way of helping others shift feelings of fear and doubt to ones of hope and empowerment.

Topics, for additional programs offered, that Bates specializes in include: 

Authoring Your Life – Enables individuals to understand the importance of their story, differentiate the conscious from the unconscious in story creation and be able to write a book in as little as 7 days.

Female Leadership – Guides women on a journey to revolutionize female entrepreneurship and give themselves permission to lead.

Global Impact – Smashes social stereotypes and discusses critical topics such as injustice, corruption, racism, religion and revolution in full transparency.

Family First – Taps into healing oneself before healing a family, long-distance parenting and other relevant family issues.

Female Empowerment – Guides women to igniting their inner fire and truly locate their passion in order to see the possibilities.

Heart of the Matter – Leads individuals deep into their soul on a discovery mission to owning their inner being.

Those seeking to make an investment in themselves, and in their future, will thoroughly benefit from Dawn Bates’ 7-Month AUTHORity Mastermind, and other truth slaying courses. Gift yourself permission to give yourself permission to change the world by owning your truth. 



Dawn Bates, Founder and CEO of Dawn Publishing, has over 20 years in Entrepreneurship, Community Cohesion and Cultural Diversity, Coaching and Developing Leaders, whilst also being a leading authority on global issues around the world. International Best-selling Author many times over, across multiple continents and author coach to entrepreneurs, CEO’s and figure heads in society, as well as global media influencer, freelance writer for prestigious magazines, ghostwriter, and guest speaker on TV, Radio, University Symposiums and Summits around the world, Dawn is no stranger to being in the spotlight.

Dawn has a wealth of knowledge from over 22 years of continuous personal development and study, speaks Arabic and Spanish at an intermediate level, and is currently studying for her PhD in International Law and Social Justice with Oxford University.


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