Eidt‘s new video channel, an online extension of Sky Eagle Music, will help children, teens, and adults learn how to play their favorite songs on guitar, piano, ukulele, and drums.
“Music is the birthright of every human being, so everyone should have the opportunity to learn how to express themselves musically”, said Eidt.
Times are changing and access to music education is not what it used to be. A 2015 study funded by NAMM, found that 1 in 6 parents reported that their children received no music instruction. 1 in 3 reported a year or less of music instruction.
Anne Trafton, of MIT, said in an article for the MIT News Office, “Children who had piano lessons showed a significant advantage over children in the extra reading group in discriminating between words that differ by one consonant. Children in both the piano group and extra reading group performed better than children who received neither intervention when it came to discriminating words based on vowel differences.”
A report on Science Daily stated, “Structured music lessons significantly enhance children’s cognitive abilities — including language-based reasoning, short-term memory, planning and inhibition — which lead to improved academic performance.”
A story on PBS.com maintains, “Making music involves more than the voice or fingers playing an instrument; a child learning about music has to tap into multiple skill sets, often simultaneously.” Learning to coordinate these various skills and abilities produces gains in many other areas of life.
The demand for increased access to quality music education is growing due to the recent media coverage, and this new video channel provided by Sky Eagle Music will service that need.
Eidt said, “Everyone deserves the opportunity to express themselves through music. Sky Eagle Music exists to help them learn how to have a blast doing just that.”
For more information on David Eidt and Sky Eagle Music please visit http://skyeaglemusic.com or call 870-587-4540.
Location Info:
Sky Eagle Music
555 Falls Blvd,, Wynne, AR 72396
(870) 587-4540