Bates is an international best-selling author, author coach and strategist, publisher, ghostwriter, captivating speaker, Digital Ocean nomad and self-proclaimed Ms. Mermaid – and that’s a Banksy mermaid rather than a Disney mermaid. She is an online entrepreneur, with over 20 years of experience, who specializes in developing step-change strategies and global visions. Her published works include, Friday Bridge, a book about self-discovery, inner strength and never giving up and Crossing the Line, a story about love, compassion, forgiveness and fighting for what you believe in. Bates has also been a featured author in House of Preeminence and One Tribe magazines.
Eager to begin her newest journey, Bates is leading a 7-Month AUTHORity Mastermind, launching in 2021, in which she will utilize her exceptional ability to lead others by igniting passions from within and shift mindsets from those of fear and self-doubt to ones of confidence, connection and courage. Throughout the program, Bates will guide those who are eager to experience personal growth, create massive change in the world, and publish game-changing books that truly make a mark on society.
Participants of the 7-Month AUTHORity can expect to dig deep into the concepts of leadership including personal discovery, cross-cultural global leadership and communication for true community cohesion. They will be prepared to become leaders, lead leaders and stand in their truth like never before. The program also dives into service to and of humanity, creating a powerful legacy and navigates the concepts of expanding a personal brand whilst stepping into new levels of awareness. Participants will receive comprehensive training on writing, publishing and launching compelling books by the end of the 7 months.
With the reality that the world and the economy have already shifted, the time is now for individuals to take charge of their own destiny. Individuals must give themselves permission, or rather gift themselves permission, to change the world by owning their own truth, standing in their own truth and speaking their own truth. Led by laser-focused Bates, who is known as “the molecule shaker” and blows other well-known truth slayers out of the water, the 7-month AUTHORity Mastermind, with only 11 spots left, is this generation’s truth slaying course!
With the ultimate goal of giving individuals an even louder voice in regards to global issues and today’s trending topics, Bates’ leadership strategies, in all of the courses and programs she offers, are designed to create exceptional leaders alike, who in turn are inspired to lead other leaders.
The Dawn Bates’ 7-Month AUTHORity Mastermind provides all that is needed for those pursuing massive change in their future and is provided by one of the greatest entrepreneurs of this generation. Looking to be a part of global change and publish game-changing books? This is the premier place to start!
Dawn Bates, Founder and CEO of Dawn Publishing, has over 20 years in Entrepreneurship, Community Cohesion and Cultural Diversity, Coaching and Developing Leaders, whilst also being a leading authority on global issues around the world. International Best-selling Author many times over, across multiple continents and author coach to entrepreneurs, CEO’s and figure heads in society, as well as global media influencer, freelance writer for prestigious magazines, ghostwriter, and guest speaker on TV, Radio, University Symposiums and Summits around the world, Dawn is no stranger to being in the spotlight.
Dawn has a wealth of knowledge from over 22 years of continuous personal development and study, speaks Arabic and Spanish at an intermediate level, and is currently studying for her PhD in International Law and Social Justice with Oxford University.