In its second year, Celebrate You Woman of the Year is an award that was designed to honor women who are not only rising and showing the world the best version of themselves, but they are doing it by reflecting the key values of Celebrate You.
“We believe when women can truly love and celebrate themselves mentally, spiritually, emotionally, physically, and financial, then they are able to transform the lives of their families, communities, nation, and the world,” explained Celebrate You Co-founder LaWanna Bradford and CEO of the Bradford Group, LLC.
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/embed/mQOusPSJW30
“These exceptional women are leaders and influencers. They always seek to find ways to encourage, inspire, uplift, and celebrate others. We are thrilled to announce that of over 1200 women in Celebrate You, Debra L. Morrison is the Celebrate You 2021 Woman of the Year,” she said.
“Celebrate You will join in partnership with Debra and her company Women Navigating Finances during the next 12 months. Our aim is to serve as an additional platform and conduit to further spotlight her work and amplify her message designed to empower women with the strategies and tools to create financial wellness for themselves and their families,” said Bradford.
Debra L. Morrison is a retired Certified Financial Planner whose years of experience have led her to her current passion for helping women to navigate their finances. She serves her clients as a Financial Coach in her company, Women Navigating Finances, LLC. Her unique combination of skills, knowledge, and wisdom has helped thousands of clients and audience members face and conquer their fears and learn how to attain financial security.
“I am humbled by this award; I perceive and receive it, not only as recognition of where I’ve come from, yet more so of where I’m going,” said Debra L. Morrison. “I’m on a mission to reach women worldwide, upleveling their financial confidence so that they can become and remain, intentionally wealthy, stepping into the leaders they truly are. I also am committed to working with groups of committed women to break through their financial glass ceilings.”
She is an international transformational speaker and best-selling author who often shares her pearls of financial wisdom within our community. She is touching lives and making a difference by shifting the narrative around finances and providing women with the foundation and tools needed to captain their own financial futures.
Debra’s platform continues to resonate with the central message that, “Women navigating finances can become intentionally wealth women!” She also reminds women that, “Money is energy. Until you open the doors to money coming in, you will repel it.”
Reach her on Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Runner-up Larcenia White Larcenia White is a mom of two adult children and grandmother to two young adult granddaughters. She has been active in ministering alongside her husband, a Shiloh Elder, for 43 years.
She earned a master’s degree in Education from Loyola College and retired after teaching in public schools for 24 years. Her calling as a mentor began when she successfully mentored student teachers at the University of Arizona South for six years. Larcenia was very instrumental in chartering the Shiloh MOPS (Moms in Prayer) Group and has participated in their program as a Mentor for 12 years.
She has been recognized by MOPS International with Leadership Certification and recently led the Breathing Room Study for Moms, which she taught within the Celebrate You community, and extended a deeper study to a larger group of women at Shiloh.
“Breathing room is that space between your current pace and your limits. It is a very important concept that is catching on fire with women,” said Larcenia White. “Breathing room is a way to ensure that we are happier and more fulfilled. It is where we operate in the love zone and not the fear zone.”
Barbara Beckley, Celebrate You Co-Founder and CEO of The Diamond Factor Experience said,
“LaWanna and I found out that by talking about Celebrate You, it was important to reach as many women as possible with our message so that they understand the importance of celebrating themselves and others. This concept continues to resonate, and we have more women joining where we now have people who are part of the Celebrate You family from over 20 countries, with our largest presence in the US, UK, Canada, Uganda, and Jamaica.”
“We are excited to also work with Larcenia White in the next year to help women understand that when you embrace the power of Breathing Room, your life shifts and then you begin to live in a place of ease and flow,” said Beckley.
“This year we recognize our charity of the year – Help Heal Humanity. Help Heal Humanity an internationally registered charity mindfully designed to provide the world’s most vulnerable youth with access to education, food, support, and love.” Beckley said.