Dexter Caffey Talks About Cybersecurity And Smart Eye Technology On The Trust Factor Radio

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Dexter Caffey was the guest of Neil Howe on The Trust Factor Radio talking about cybersecurity and his new Smart Eye Technology that is catching the eye of enterprise businesses around the world. 

Read and listen to the interview below:

Neil Howe:

Hello, welcome to the show. This is your host, Neil Howe, and we are on the Trust Factor Radio. Obviously, we’re talking about trust and one of the issues with trust is having people peek at your screen. So when you’re in a public place looking at sensitive documents on your smartphone or your computers, such as invoices and contracts or statements from financial institutions, there’s no way to know who can see what’s on your screen. So my guest today on the Trust Factor Radio, believes that confidential information should stay confidential and that’s why he created Smart Eye Technology, technology for your eyes only. Welcome founder and chief disruptor of Smart Eye Technology, Dexter Caffey.

Dexter Caffey:

Thank you Neil so much for having me.

Neil Howe:

Well, it is very important to talk about this stuff. Cybersecurity is a huge issue. There’s a lot of fraud and a lot money being lost by companies every day and individuals as well. So give us a little bit of a background on what Smart Eye Technology is and what it does.

Dexter Caffey:

Well, what happened Neil, I was in Israel about a year and a half ago and I was actually at a cybersecurity event. And I was sitting next to a guy talking to him, just like I’m talking to you right now. And so what happened, as we were talking, I noticed when I looked at his laptop screen, I could see documents, I saw word documents, I saw PDF documents and I said to myself, why should I see any document that’s on this guy’s laptop? It’s none of my business. And I said, what if we could create an app called Smart Eye Technology that would shut off if you looked at my screen while I had a document up. And that’s how Smart Eye Technology got started. So we’ve been literally doing that for the past year and a half. Our software is now up, still in the prototype phase and we’re moving towards the production stage over the next couple of months and I will definitely take it from there.

Neil Howe:

Well, it’s certainly a great idea because when you are in an airport or a public place and you’re trying to do something confidential, you just never know who’s going to be looking over your shoulder. So, we’re going to talk about the actual technology in a minute, but who is this really designed for? Who is it made for? Is it made for companies, or is it made for individuals?

Dexter Caffey:

Actually, initially, our focus is on companies right now because companies share a lot of sensitive documents, whether they’re large enterprises or small to medium size businesses. They share a lot of documents which are very confidential, and as a result of that, you don’t want everybody peeking at those documents. Whether it’s invoicing, because right now one of the big things Neil, that’s going on is invoice fraud. So when you send an email to me saying, “Hey Dexter, here’s our invoice for $10000.” What happens, is a hacker typically gets in between there and says, “Hey Dexter, here’s our new invoice for $10000. Disregard my first email, make sure you send it to our new wiring instructions.” That’s the hacker. So what we do at Smart Eye Technology, when you send documents that invoice through Smart Eye Technology, it literally comes directly from you to me directly through our app. No email.

Neil Howe:

Okay, and that is secure, so what kind of companies are going to be sending invoices? Like you said, who are you talking to right now? The big companies?

Dexter Caffey:

Yes, right now we’re talking about large enterprises. We’re also talking to large businesses as well, as well as medium-sized businesses and some smaller businesses as well. But the enterprises really have an interest in this because they have a lot of highly sensitive information. And so we’re talking to several of the large enterprises, global enterprises around the world right now.

Neil Howe:

So let’s talk about how you actually protect these people. Tell me about the technology at Smart Eye Technology.

Dexter Caffey:

Well, what Smart Eye is, is that when you look at a document, it’ll recognize just your face. And if I walk behind you and say, hey Neil, what are you looking at? I’m looking at your screen. It’ll automatically shut down because it recognizes my face. And it says, this face I don’t recognize. So we’re shutting the document off. So it completely blocks your screen and it says warning, multiple viewers.

Neil Howe:

Well, that’s certainly a good way to have somebody looking away quickly. And they’re probably going to see that the notice, as well.

Dexter Caffey:

That’s exactly what happened to me when I was at the airport a few months ago. I was looking at a document in our Smart Eye Technology app and I knew there was nobody behind me at this restaurant when I was at the airport. And my notice came up to say, warning multiple viewers. I said, wait a minute, there’s nobody behind me. And I turned around and this lady was looking dead at my screen and she turned her head fast to act like she wasn’t looking at my screen. After I noticed that she was looking at my screen, she quickly turned. Yes.

Neil Howe

Neil Howe is a 3-time #1 Best Selling Author, Online Media Strategist and business radio talk show host. He covers the most Innovative Business Leaders in Small and Local Business helping them share their stories with the world.