According to Gunter, a key ingredient in successful marketing for small business owners is to stand out in the crowd. She added, “Say you’re in a small town of 30,000 and there are 20 dentists there. You happen to write a book about teeth whitening for brides who want to feel incredibly confident in their wedding photos. I can assure you that the other 19 dentists who are your competitors do not have a book. The prospects who are in that target market will look at you as the expert, because after all, you wrote a book on the subject. Why wouldn’t you want to be treated by the area expert?”
When host Rick Nuske asked how small-to-medium size business owners would have time to write a book in addition to all of their other responsibilities, Gunter answered, “I work with clients in a way that enables them not to have to write a single, solitary word. As a part of the consultation I do with them, we refine a topic of their a one-problem, one-solution book. After I create a series interview questions around that topic, I interview them for about sixty minutes and take the transcription and edit that into a 50-to-70-page book and then take that book through the publishing process.”
During the interview, Gunter shared how a book can take the place of your sales process, explaining, “A book becomes a unique way to demonstrate your expertise without having to talk to a lot of people in sales conversations. It lets you become an educator and advocate for your prospects by sharing what you know. I discovered this early in my own business when I published ‘how to’ content on marketing that was distributed to various sites online. People would consume that content and then would come to me ready to hire me. I didn’t have to convince them to work with me.”
Gunter added, “It was such a privilege and an enjoyable experience to be a guest on Rick’s podcast. Rick has an innate ability to get to the heart of a matter quickly, asking the perfect questions to help his guests easily share their expertise with his audience.”
To listen to the full interview on The My Future Business Show, visit
About Rick Nuske and The My Future Business Show
Rick Nuske is a former senior manager with more than three decades of local, national, and international business development experience. He left the corporate world when his children were born so he could be there for them as they grow into young adults. Nuske started podcasting as a way to share his business building knowledge and experience.
With so many people moving away from traditional employment and more towards starting their own business, Nuske felt strongly about doing what he could to help more entrepreneurs stay in business and prosper. Wanting to see as many entrepreneurs as possible successfully creating and sustaining the business and lifestyle of their choosing, he created The My Future Business Show to be a catalyst for change that drives the continued success of thousands of companies worldwide. Selected guests of this exclusive, invite-only show, take center stage where they get to tell their story, promote their venture, and share insights into how they built their business. More details about the show are available on his website,
About Donna Gunter
Donna Gunter, Amazon #1 best-selling author of Make Them Choose You, Brand Yourself as the Trusted Local Celebrity, and Biz Smart Quick Guide: 10 Strategies to Online Visibility for More Traffic, Clicks and Profit!, helps entrepreneurs, consultants, speakers, coaches and professionals stop the client chase by leveraging their knowledge to gain authority status in their industry. She then dramatically amplifies their message and shows them how to convert the new audience into high-paying customers.
Using her proven Become Business Famous signature system, she works together with her clients to build powerful personal brands and grow their businesses through speaking, publishing, and publicity. She is also the host of Main Street Mavericks Radio and a writer for Business Innovators Magazine.
To learn more about Donna Gunter, please visit
To get a free digital copy of Make Them Choose You: How Local Business Owners Can Double Their Business, Get Customers Consistently, and Have More Free Time WITHOUT Being Held Hostage by Expensive Marketers, visit