Dr. Ginger Bratzel, Marketing Strategist, Interviewed on Podcast About Helping Healthcare Providers & Service-Based Businesses Attract Ideal Clients & Patients

Dr. Bratzel discusses making a business more ‘attractive’ for new clients, customers, or patients. There are a million little details involved in growing a business.  But it is impossible to do them all.  And many are a waste of time, money, and energy, but they continue to be done because there isn’t accountability and evaluation.  She teaches how to inventory client acquisition methods, evaluate, and let go of what isn’t working.

Listen to the interview on the Business Innovators Radio Network    


Bratzel commented, “We each have key pillars that we build our business beliefs on.   I explain this concept to my clients as their “non-negotiables”: elements so important, their business would never compromise on them. These are YOUR core values. Your ability to sell your services is based on matching the values of your Ideal Customer. Values are independent of money. Values are emotional and are things like security, convenience, and confidence.”

Robert Lazarow says, “Ginger is a marketing goddess!!! She tells it as it is and knows how to quickly implement it.  She has shown me how to target my niches that bring the most bang for my buck. The coolest thing is that she teaches us how to make it simple to use.”




About  Dr. Ginger Bratzel
Ginger started her professional career as a dentist, where she developed systems and strategies to increase patient and client attraction to create business growth. From Ginger’s own success, soon health care providers and other service providers from around the country were asking her to work with them in their businesses, too, And she quickly began coaching private clients on how to do it, as well. Ginger was invited to consult and be the lead coach for one of the largest healthcare marketing companies in the nation to their top-level clients, teaching them her proven step-by-step program to show owners exactly how to attract more of the right kind of patients, clients, and customers. Ginger is known for her “no holds barred and shoot straight from the hip” approach to business growth as well as getting and keeping clients.

Learn More: https://gingerbratzel.com/








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