Dr. Steve Wander Speaks at Harvard Club of Boston On Cognitive Decline and Alzheimer’s Disease

Dr. Steve Wander Speaks at Harvard Club of Boston On Cognitive Decline and Alzheimer’s Disease

Dr. Wander was a featured speaker about Cognitive Decline and Alzheimer’s disease at a recent forum at Harvard Club of Boston, an annual conference of thought leaders from around the globe including CEOs, dignitaries, professionals, and leaders in the technical and medical fields. An international best-selling author, Dr. Wander is the owner and treatment director of Integrated Health Center of Maryland. He provides noninvasive treatments and solutions for patients suffering from cognitive decline, Alzheimer’s disease, thyroid, Type 2 Diabetes, and autoimmune issues. His grandmother’s health problems initially influenced the focus of his functional medicine practice.

Dr. Wander spoke about an effective protocol related to cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s disease. “There is hope,” he said. “New research and clinical results are showing that cognitive decline and certain stages of Alzheimer’s disease can be reversed in a high percentage of the patient population. Our clinical approach to supporting patients with cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s disease is radically different.” Dr. Wander has specific testing and assessments to determine the status of a patient’s cognitive health. Since 2014, a new treatment protocol has proven to have a 92 % success ratio and more than 2300 people have completed the new treatment. “There is now objective state of the art testing that can see degeneration in the brain up to 40 years before the effects are seen, so disease can be prevented. “This is great news,” Dr. Wander said. “Deaths are up 55% since 2003, and Alzheimer’s disease has gone from the sixth leading cause of death up to third. In the last five years of someone’s life, treatment can exceed $287,000.”

Dr. Wander also works with all metabolic conditions, adrenal fatigue, leaky gut and more. His latest book is “Finding a Wandering Mind, Help For The Alzheimer’s Patient and Their Family” and has also written “Reverse Your Diabetes, Change Your Life”, “It’s Not You It’s Your Thyroid” and co-authored “Secrets to Weight Loss Success.” He has been interviewed on CNN, ABC, NBC, Fox, Fox News, Bravo TV, MSNBC and been featured in Self, Allure and Glamour magazines.

Dr. Wander says his patients are people whose health is their number one priority. They are tired of suffering and ready to do what it takes to change their current health situation rather than cover up their symptoms with medication.

He provides education and tools to help his patients get to the root cause of their health problems and symptoms. He then customizes a treatment plan as well as an education plan to help them achieve their healthcare goals.

To learn more about Dr. Steve Wander, visit his website at dcfunctionalhealth.com/cognitive-decline/ or by calling 301-770-5395.  Information may also be found at the following:

Linkedin: Steve Wander

Facebook: facebook.com/DCFunctionalHealth

Twitter: twitter.com/Low_Thyroid

Instagram: Low_Thyroid

Instagram: Reverse_Diabetes

Location Info:
Integrated Health Center of Maryland
5912 Hubbard Dr., Rockville, MD 20852


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