Dr. Tom Chesser & Carin Chesser, Featured Authors In The International Best-Selling Book Series “Landed For Success,” Untold Stories, Volume 4



Landed for Success is a collection of inspirational stories by contributing authors from all walks of life. It is designed to uplift readers by uncovering different elements of success — 20 contributing authors take readers through their journeys from point A to point B. As they read this book’s pages, they get ready to feel motivated to conquer anything.

In the book’s Foreword, Robert Hollis wrote, “That’s why this book is so much more than a collection of stories; it’s a beacon of hope, a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. The voices within these pages share their journeys’ raw, unfiltered realities—stories of heartbreak, courage, perseverance, and ultimate triumph. Each one serves as a reminder that success isn’t reserved for the privileged few. It’s for anyone willing to rise, even when the odds seem insurmountable. Here, you will discover the power of vulnerability and the strength of sharing your truth.”

The multi-level marketing (MLM) world forever changed Robert’s journey. It wasn’t just a business model, a lifeline, and a platform for personal growth and empowerment. Through this path, he had the incredible honor of helping over 67 people achieve million-dollar incomes. But he wants to clarify that true success isn’t measured by wealth alone. It’s found in the lives we touch, the hope we inspire, and the legacy we leave behind. It’s about creating a ripple effect that extends far beyond ourselves.

In chapter 3, THE MAGIC OF WORDS, Dr. Tom Chesser and Carin Chesser echoed the importance of how words we speak impact others.

“Like waving a magic wand, words have the power to shape our reality. They can inspire, motivate, comfort, and heal. They can build connections and relationships as well as destroy them. There is magic in your words. I create what I speak. I create as I speak. There is a word that is used quite often to make things appear. It is a Greek word called “ABRACADABRA,” which magicians use when performing a magic trick. Abracadabra can be used as an interjection to signify or command a sudden change or occurrence.

For example, magicians might say “abracadabra” before performing a magic trick to make it successful. Some believe the word comes from the Aramaic phrase “avra kedabra,” which means “I create as I speak.”. The word “abra” is the Aramaic equivalent of the Hebrew word “avra,” which means “I will create,” and “cadabra” is the Aramaic equivalent of the Hebrew word “kedoobar,” which means “as was spoken.” I create as I speak. Others think “abracadabra” comes from the Hebrew phrase “ebrah k’dabri,” which means “I create as I speak,” while others believe it comes from “avra gavra,” an Aramaic phrase meaning “I will create man”—the words of God on the sixth day of creation. God simply spoke everything else into existence to serve the purpose of mankind. You are created in the image of God. You are a masterpiece of the Master. One thing I believe is that the words we speak are incredibly powerful! They can be either powerfully negative or powerfully positive. They can either destroy or build up.

Our spoken words can have incredible results, good or bad, and God’s words are also extremely powerful — for good. To speak life means to speak how God would speak about any situation or you. I create what I speak. I create as I speak, showing that our words affect the person we speak to and produce either life or death. To speak death is to talk negatively all the time, to complain, or to speak words of defeat.

In a recent conversation with my daughter, Carin Chesser, an Adapted PE Specialist for Northside ISD and a former Special Education teacher, she reflected on the significance of growth and development related to self-esteem by using positive reinforcement in her communication. When working with students who have special needs, it was extremely evident that the words spoken to them reflected their demeanor and attitude.

People can know us by what we speak. In Luke 6:45, Jesus says that people can be judged by what they say and do because these things reveal what is really inside the person: “A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of.” If you want to know what is inside a person, you watch his actions and listen to what comes out of his mouth regularly. This is not being judgmental; this is being realistic. If a person is angry, rude, lewd, or immoral on a regular basis, you can be assured that this is what he is like “on the inside.” If a person is consistently kind, encouraging, and polite, then you can be sure that is what he is like “on the inside.” Of course, it is possible that someone might put up a façade to deceive others regarding his character, but eventually, what is inside will come out. The mouth speaks out of the abundance—the overflow—of the heart. Words slip out of our mouths, and then we can’t take them back once they have been spoken. Every one of us has regretted some of the things we have said. We have thought, “I wish I hadn’t said that!” or, “I’ll never say that again!” We thrive when we are affirmed and encouraged, but cutting remarks devastate us, and we try to cope with life without outwardly showing how words have destroyed us on the inside. Being raised by alcoholic, abusive parents, I often felt like I couldn’t do anything right to please them. Frequently hearing such things as “You were a mistake” and “You’re hopeless!” “You idiot!” “You’ll never do any good!” or, “Why can’t you be like your brother/sister?”

Those affirmations may come from parents who may not even realize the damage that those comments caused the child. They adversely affect the child right into adulthood. They amount to curses spoken unwittingly over their children. A little rhyme children sometimes say in an attempt to protect themselves goes like this: “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me.” This may sound very brave, but unfortunately, it is not true. Some people have been so devastated by the words of others that their whole lives are in ruins. The tragedy is that the other people may be completely unaware of the harm their words have inflicted. Most of us can look back and remember how words spoken by others have deeply wounded us. The problem is that we are left with the scars in our soul. We must cope with the effects left behind in our lives, often many years later. We need to be healed of the effects of destructive words spoken to us or by us. We cannot ignore them because they continue to do their deadly work. God is the One who knows how to heal those scars.

However, there is good news. Another side to the picture. And this is the good news! Our words also have incredible power to build up and heal. That is why we need to become aware of what we speak and allow God to help us change destructive habits of speech that come from us.

We can learn to speak life into others by using these four principles. Ask ourselves these questions:

  1. What will be the consequences of what I say? Positive or negative?
  2. Is there any hint of poison in what I want to say?
  3. Is what I am about to say going to encourage or discourage people?
  4. Will what I say help the person to grow, or will it have the opposite effect?

I encourage people to speak to themselves as they would to a person they love deeply. Encourage yourself, motivate, and uplift yourself with your thoughts and words. Because your thoughts feed your emotions, and your actions are based on how you feel or what you tell yourself. I taught my kids that often, “You are not what you think you are; you are not what other people think you are. You are what you think other people think you are.” Change the narrative. Think positively. Think big, act big, be big. Think and speak to create greatness in yourself and others.

Philippians 4:8 says, “Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.”

Learn to fill your mind, home, and world with things that support your desired life, and ABRACADABRA, magic will happen.”

Carin Chesser, APE Specialist, has a Bachelor’s in Kinesiology. M. Ed in Special Education and has been teaching since 2009. She has taught 8 years in ALE (Applied Learning Environment) and 6 years in English Language Arts while also 3 years coaching and teaching. This is her first year teaching Adapted Physical Education. Miss Chesser recently presented at the Annual Alamo Adapted PE Conference for Adapted PE, presenting five strategies for success in middle school sports. She has gone undefeated as the head middle school soccer coach for NISD and was the runner-up for the H-E-B of Excellence Teaching Award for KISD. She was also a grant winner, obtaining iPads for her classroom. She has been featured in the Modern English Teacher Magazine, writing an article, “Gender Differences in the Classroom,” published in 2014. Miss Chesser has been featured in Business Innovators Magazine “Covid-19 Alerts – 5 Compelling Reasons Why Consistency Is Key For Parents And Children That Are Staying At Home During Covid-19, From A Middle School Teacher And Coach’s Point Of View.” With these standards combined, she can raise the bar on all her teaching practices while provided students of all abilities the enjoyment and flexibility to thrive! She is dedicated to being a voice for those who may not speak while continuing to press forward toward a bigger movement: inclusivity for all!

Dr. Tom Chesser is a media and marketing consultant with 35-plus years of experience and is a highly recognized super-connector. Recently, Chesser became a three-time International Best-Selling co-author and holds the title Authority Branding and Positioning Specialist, where he is a contributing writer for Authority PressWire, Small Business Trendsetters, Business Innovators, TEDx Community, Buzzfeed, and Today’s Show, providing media-worthy articles to over 750 outlets, using third-party recognition and validation to help others be seen by their industries, potential clients, and Google as authorities in their field of expertise. He has a degree in Theology and an Honorary Doctorate Degree in International Business. He has been on numerous shows, such as God’s Hook Up TV, Discover Your Potential, Ignite Your Essence, and Awakening Potential, to mention a few. As a Super Connector, Chesser has contributed to procuring funding for projects and products. Chesser believes strongly in relationship equity and the power of teaching others how to capitalize and monetize personal stories through coaching and mentoring; thus, Chesser is known as “Mr. Authority.”

To contact Dr. Tom Chesser, email riseupmediamarketing@gmail.com or text him at 210-289-5996. To reach out to Carin Chesser, email carinc20@gmail.com.



Landed for Success, Untold Stories, Volume 4 – Incredible Authors’ Stories Including:

  • Unleash The Power Within You “Success is no accident.” – Jey Jeyakanthan
  • Almost A Fairy Tale – Anu Nair
  • Making The Dream A Reality – Shilpi Chanda
  • Don’t Let Fear Scare You; Let It Motivate You! – Daniel Pereira0
  • Coming Out of The Valley of Death – Nick Kuryluk
  • Embrace Pivotal Moments – Dr. Lester Bailey
  • Jack Of All Trades – Master Of None – Tony Ning
  • No Job Too Small – Daniel Puder
  • The Keys to Happiness – Hailey Patry
  • From Numbers to Legacy: A CPA’s Journey to Financial Mastery – Dwayne Richards
  • Journey to Divine Grace – Grace Belfiore
  • The New Change Of Reality – Dr. Terence (Mr. T) Lushington
  • The Power of Building a Network – Greg Turner
  • The Power of Kindness – Eni Oszlai
  • A Dreamer to Successful Entrepreneur – Sujeet Gandhi
  • Beyond Survival – Christelle Lilliane
  • A Landed for Success SUPER Story: Heroes For Humanity – Tammy Vallieres and Sylvia Tam
  • A Legacy on Ice – Dr. Gordon So

To order the book, go to https://www.amazon.com/Landed-Success-4-Untold-Stories-ebook/dp/B0DPBCJQ2L/ref=sr_1_1?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.9-u82oK6P-4z9_9y3NvASATwbq89ycmANE0QHCZyccpZ7Jelg-fNO6xuwmqbU3byeub6mGQd1QeoDlabP7MXaA.vbBqxwpLKOqJEyIJ-MmoCb7BDfsthMpmO8UqiAPqwIE&dib_tag=se&keywords=Landed+For+Success+volume+4&qid=1734365208&sr=8-1



To be a part of The Landed For Success Family, contact Gordon So at gordonso@rogers.com or go to https://www.landedforsuccess.com.

Tom Chesser

Tom Chesser is the owner of Rise Up Media and Marketing. He has a featured show, Rise Up Radio, an online broadcasting podcast.
He is a credited contributing writer for Small Business Trendsetters, Business Innovators Magazine, and host for Business Innovators Radio. He has his own Authority Agency in San Antonio, Texas, serving all of Texas & beyond. Tom is a Top-Performing Professional in the Media and Marketing industry with over 30 years of experience.