Living with a narcissist can be awful. Divorcing one is a nightmare. They’re always right, they want everything their way and they leave little room for compromise. How to Survive and Thrive When Divorcing a Narcissist lays out the divorce process in New Jersey and explains the five things to know when divorcing a narcissist.
In response to the book hitting Number One, Micklin stated, “I’ve been telling my clients since I began practicing in 1996 that, divorces are not complicated; people are. They have the same limited issues: assets, debts, child support, visitation, legal fees, and alimony. It doesn’t matter if you have hundreds of dollars or hundreds of millions of dollars.
Other than complicated custody matters, divorces do not have to be as challenging as many are. Aside from the emotional impact of a divorce, it is more often the personality conflicts creating high conflict, contentious divorces. If your spouse is a narcissist, it is much worse.
I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to help so many people with learning how to manage themselves through these situations and I hope the book continues to have a positive impact on their lives and their families.”
With the recent news around divorcing a narcissist in the headlines, How to Survive and Thrive When Divorcing a Narcissist’s subject matter is a hot topic and a must-read for anyone considering leaving their narcissistic spouse.
Brad M. Micklin is one of New Jersey’s foremost family law and divorce attorneys and focuses his practice on men and fathers. He’s known for his work in high-conflict divorces and battles over child custody. Brad hosts men’s divorce and custody support groups and is a frequent media guest on CNN Headline News, Larry King’s Politicking, Fox News Video, i24 News, CourtTV and Law & Crime Network among other media outlets. Located in Nutley, New Jersey, Brad heads a team of attorneys and legal support staff.
To learn more about, Brad M. Micklin, visit https://MicklinLawGroup.com
How to Survive and Thrive When Divorcing a Narcissist is now available on Amazon at https://www.amazon.com/-/e/B07DWG4C7T
Location Info:
The Micklin Law Group, LLC
187 Washington Ave #2f, Nutley, NJ 07110
+1 973-562-0100