Fascinating Stories from 17 Best-Selling Authors in Navigating The Clickety Clack: How to Live a Peace-Filled Life in a Seemingly Toxic World, Published by Keith Leon S.

Fascinating Stories from 17 Best-Selling Authors in Navigating The Clickety Clack: How to Live a Peace-Filled Life in a Seemingly Toxic World, Published by Keith Leon S.
Processing what this has meant, and how it has affected careers and livelihood for many, the ability to congregate with others and feel vital to society, and most importantly the state of overall health and well-being has been extremely difficult to comprehend and fully grasp.  And according to most, these challenging times are not going anywhere, anytime soon. 

Multiple award-winning best-selling author, international speaker, and owner of Beyond Belief Publishing, Keith Leon S., recently completed a book, media, and live event tour based on his book, “Walking With My Angels, A True Story” with a foreword by Chicken Soup for The Soul’s Jack Canfield. And now, he is introducing his latest book, Navigating the Clickety Clack: How to Live a Peace-Filled Life in a Seemingly Toxic World, a collaborative work with New York Times best-selling authors Jack Canfield, Bob Proctor and Christy Whitman. This enlightening guide, about steering readers through the current state of very uncertain times and finding peace in a very noisy world, features contributing authors Liz Acar, Marcus Bird, Maria Bradfield, Natalie Cook, Jeffrey Gignac, Karen Kan, Kate Moriah, Kelly Moser, Kim O’Neill, Angi Ponder Reid, Donna Riley, Deborah Robbins, Jani Roberts, Trisha Schmalhofer, Venetta Demos Stathis, Lea Williamson, and Ariel Yarger. 

So, what exactly is the “clickety clack?” In 2005, Keith and wife Maura met a man named Fletch Rainey, at the Agape International Center of Truth in California, where they became good friends. Rainey, who had formed a group called, “The Spiritual Posse” soon became one of Keith and Maura’s spiritual mentors guiding them through troublesome times pertaining to money, business challenges, fears of being in a state of constant change and uncertain of what to do next. Rainey referred to these unsettling times as the “clickety-clack.” He shared that as a child, when riding a ten-speed bicycle and needing to change from one gear to another and noting the moment when the chain jumps from one gear to the next, but it hasn’t fully clicked in yet. The sound it makes is a clickety-clack. Riding the bike, the child has the utmost faith that the gears will catch and fall into place so the child keeps peddling. In this situation, faith completely over-rides the concern for the gears doing their job and moving from one to the next, and yet for that brief moment during the clickety-clack, there is an important change that commands attention. Illustrating Rainey’s point, it is critical to trust the process, and have faith, it will all work out exactly as it should.

Since the spring of 2020, new versions of these temporary roadblocks and slowdowns in life, now known as the clickety-clack, have become common-place due to Covid-19, offering up many periods to navigate through. Providing a great deal of time for self-reflection, as most can also attest to, Leon personally searched for answers to the question, “What’s next for me?” And as many people have also wondered the answer to this looming question, allowing it to become a daily topic of conversation, it is what led to Leon’s desire to publish the book.

Over the years, Leon developed strategies to remain calm and peaceful in unsettling times. Some of the practices that personally helped him find serenity include: 

  • Experiential growth workshops
  • The Work of Byron Katie
  • Prayer and mediation
  • Teachings from the mystics
  • Minding his thoughts and language

Putting together the finest group of experts, to help navigate through ambiguous times, Leon has compiled their stories and advice on how to stay peaceful inside, regardless of what is happening outside. Each of these brilliant minds is an expert in the field of fully understanding the power of the mind and how people’s thoughts, and what is seen and heard, are guiding factors for what is brought into their lives. To quote, Wayne Dyer, “If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”  

In Navigating the Clickety Clack: How to Live a Peace-Filled Life in a Seemingly Toxic World, each author is truly living a life filled with all they will share in this enlightening new book, so that others may live it too! 



Keith Leon S. is a multiple award-winning best-selling author, international speaker, and book publisher. Keith recently completed a book, media, and live event tour based on his book, “Walking With My Angels, A True Story” with a foreword by Chicken Soup for The Soul’s Jack Canfield. He has appeared on popular national radio and television broadcasts, including, The Jenny McCarthy Show. His company, Leon Smith Publishing, has been in business for 20 years, and is led by Keith, his wife Maura and a handful of other industry legends including Bob Proctor, Marci Shimoff, Chris and Janet Attwood. More information about the company can be found at www.LeonSmithPublishing.com.


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