Tell us about your journey! What led you to this point?
Writing is my first talent and over the years I have written essays for school, articles for newspapers, response letters to the public from the BC Ministry of Forests, a cookbook, an ebook, hundreds of blog posts, and countless journal entries, and I’ve always had the dream of being a famous author. I wasn’t sure if I would ever actually write my own novel though, until I was eight days into a backpacking adventure in Spain when in a moment of sheer frustration and divine timing, I got the idea that this experience would make a great novel. So, when I came back home, I started writing and now one book has turned into a trilogy and I’m looking forward to publishing book one later in 2021.
What has been your biggest achievement?
While my achievements include a degree in English literature from Western University, four and a half years of sobriety and counting, and a solo backing-packing trip across Spain at 50, I believe my best innovation is Crystal Mapping, a coaching tool I created that helps people figure out where they are now and where they would like to go next using the wisdom of crystals.
What’s the biggest result you help your clients to achieve?
I’m also a Creative Writing Coach and as I’m writing my own novel, I’m also helping other writers harvest the nuggets from their own life and write their own books of influence. After talking with me, my clients tell me they feel lighter and more inspired to keep writing and that’s music to my ears. I’m on a mission to help new voices enter the grand arena of life and share their own stories and contribute to life’s big conversation. I am helping people write from their heart and leave their footprints on this earth and say, “I was here too and this is my story” because maybe their story will inspire someone else someday.
What would be your biggest piece of advice for readers who want to achieve the same?
Look to mother nature, who knows creativity better than anyone, for inspiration. That’s where crystals come in – they help me get the creative juices flowing.
Also, create a writing practice and follow it the best you can. The more you build the writing muscle, the easier the writing flows.
What are the biggest mistakes you see people make and how can they be avoided?
I know writing is mostly a solo venture which can be lonely and I invite writers to reach out to other writers who understand the ups and downs of a writer’s journey. We don’t have to do this alone and meeting other writers and being in a writers’ community, like a group coaching program, can really help the creative writing process.
How do you plan on further growing your business?
I’m currently offering free, monthly Overcome Writers Blocks with Gifts from Mother Nature online workshops, Crystal Mapping Sessions, and a Write from your heart coaching program. In 2022, I’d like to offer writing retreats in beautiful locations around the world.
Where can the readers find you?
Readers can find me at ammolitewellnesscoaching.com and also on LinkedIn as Maria Koropecky.