Guillaume Wiatr, Strategy Consultant and Leadership Coach with MetaHelm Interviewed on Influential Entrepreneurs Podcast About the Strategic Narrative Canvas

Guillaume Wiatr guides CEOs, Founders, and Business Owners to align people and accelerate innovation adoption. During the interview, Guillaume discusses the extraordinary value proposition he provides clients.

Listen to the interview on the Business Innovators Radio Network

Wiatr said, “Research shows in companies of about 1,000 or more, only 10% of people understand where the company is going. How do you expect people to adapt to change and make consistent decisions? This leads to costly mistakes. People will pay for a story, but people will almost die for a narrative. A strategic narrative is a system of stories that you build intentionally to align and mobilize people to participate in a new opportunity. I’m here to make you comfortably uncomfortable. I want to push your way of thinking to build and refine the way you communicate your strategic narrative. I’ll ask the hard questions and help you get to the heart of the issue. My methods and processes come from years of experience working with executives just like you. There is a science to building and activating a strong strategic narrative.  We’ll work together to help you apply those techniques, so your company thrives.

Elisabeth Araujo, Managing Director Europe Zone – L’Oréal – Active Cosmetics Division, said: “We earned the trust of all our stakeholders with a strategic narrative that was spot on. Guillaume is the perfect sounding board: the right level of distance to help you see the big picture, the right business and strategic understanding, and the right people skills.”


About Guillaume Wiatr

Guillaume Wiatr guides CEOs and Founders to align people and accelerate innovation adoption. He is the Founder of MetaHelm; a consulting firm focused on building strategic narratives for established companies.

For Guillaume, traditional business storytelling is dead. Innovation happens when you build a new narrative instead. As he says, “people will pay for a story, but they will die for a narrative”.

After helping to save a 20M euro venture during the dot-com boom, Guillaume went on a mission to turn every company into a source of inspiration that few can resist.

Since then, he’s been working with startup founders and senior executives at Alaska Airlines, The Gates Foundation, AIG, L’Oréal, Spencer Stuart, GAP, Google, Microsoft, and the US and French governments.

His commitment to education led him to become an instructor and a mentor to young entrepreneurs at the University of Washington, the School of Visual Concepts, and EMLyon international business school in France.

Guillaume publishes daily insights in his newsletter–The Next Narrative–where you can find the Strategic Narrative Canvas he designed to get you started with your Strategic Narrative.


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