The International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS) presents the conference, Timeless Oneness: The Luminous Message of Near-Death & Other Spiritually Transformative Experiences, in Salt Lake City, Utah from August 31-September 4, 2022. This year IANDS has made it easy for Military NDE experiencers to get the support they need by offering them attendance free of charge. This offering is for disabled military veterans, or any current or former military who have had a near-death experience (NDE).
A near-death experience is a profound psychological event that may occur to a person close to death or, if not near death, in a situation of physical or emotional crisis. Because it includes transcendental and mystical elements, an NDE is a powerful event of consciousness; it is not mental illness.
David Hufford, PhD, conducted a study funded by the Department of Defense on near-death experiences (NDEs) among combat veterans. His research suggests that 38% of combat veterans have had an NDE; an estimate considerably higher than among the population in general.
When an NDEer has someone who understands their experience and gives them the information they need, they can begin to heal. At the IANDS Conference, Diane K. Corcoran, Army Colonel (ret), RN PhD, will lead a two-hour interactive panel and discussion on NDEs and the military on Saturday, September 3, 2022. Diane K. Corcoran served as a nurse from the Vietnam War to Desert Storm. In 1969, she cared for a 19-year-old wounded Vietnam combat soldier who wanted to share his battlefield NDE but was extremely worried that no one would believe him. Instinctively, Diane listened to his account with care and compassion. Though the term NDE was not yet coined, she knew that his extremely emotional experience had a profound life changing impact on him. Since that day, she has dedicated her life to educating the international medical community about NDEs and has provided validation, education and support for active military and veteran experiencers.
“I came to believe that many soldiers were having near-death experiences as bombs exploded and gunfire nearly took their lives. But many were uncomfortable sharing what happened, and felt they had no one to talk to. I knew they needed an outlet – someone to share their life-transforming experience with – who wouldn’t be dismissive or think they were crazy.” Dr. Diane Corcoran
IANDS 2022 CONFERENCE – Timeless Oneness: The Luminous Message of Near-Death & Other Spiritually Transformative Experiences is a 4-day in-person conference, including 2 livestreams with simultaneous programming for our online audience. We offer various ticket options for days and events.
To learn more about this Military NDE support opportunity, go to https://conference.iands.org