According to the author, many people live “paycheck to paycheck” and struggle simply to pay day-to-day expenses. This creates a difficult, chaotic and hectic life that holds little joy. Now, Just Over Broke offers a blueprint to taking control of finances and beginning the journey to wealth and financial freedom.
Just Over Broke? How to Invest in Assets and Eliminate Liabilities was inspired by an exhaustive study of highly successful people. By examining their approaches to wealth creation and management, Ms. Belov has created a step-by-step approach to identifying a financial mission, discovering self-motivating patterns and committing to acquiring assets and eliminating liabilities.
According to the author, “Just Over Broke is a genuine financial freedom blueprint. If you want to stop money from leaking through your fingers and be emotionally and financially wealthy, read this book!”
For a limited time, Ms. Belov is offering a free copy of Just Over Broke, a $32 value, to visitors to her website at www.justoverbroke.ca. Visit the website for more information.
About Anna Belov: Anna Belov is a renowned financial advisor and financial wellness coach who has dedicated her time to helping those who want to obtain financial freedom and create and manage wealth. She is an acclaimed author whose books help “regular” people take control of their finances, get rid of debt and reach their own personal money goals.