She also has an online store through which she offers a variety of books, jigsaw puzzles and card games, downloads, and inspiration and animal-themed gifts. Both her products and presentations are built on the concept of life-affirming stories. Unlike conventional stories, life-affirming story creation can take place at any time – in the car, on walks, during family vacations, or around the dinner table, Adjepong said during a recent interview with Regis during recent interviews on Business Innovators Radio Network and in Small Business Trendsetters magazine.
Adjepong has hosted her workshops in more than 40 schools in addition to sharing her storytellin methods as an invited speaker for a number of educational organizations. She says the inspiration behind her business and vocation grew from her childhood, where she was afforded the opportunity for a free education that was not previously available to children in her home of Ghana.
“Children can associate the stories they create with real-life happenings to help them understand and deal with the situation. With mental health such a serious issue today, children need outlets for dealing with complex emotions and situations,” she explained.
“As a mother and grandmother, life-affirming stories are at the heart of our family sharing and have provided an amazing way of creating a strong bond across the generations. They have also provided a means of sharing how I was able to get to this point in my life through a stroke of good timing and good fortune,” she added.
For more information about Inspire & Bless and how to schedule a workshop or speaking engagment, go to inspireandbless.com.