Dan Collison discusses how Advisors can build their own Confident Growth Plan
Listen to the interview on the Business Innovators Radio Network:
Growth doesn’t happen by accident. In fact, when speaking to top-producing financial advisors, it becomes quickly apparent that they have every aspect of their business plan to a tee; client acquisition being among their top priorities. These elite advisors know where their next client is coming from because they’ve planned it in advance, just as they’ve planned that each new client will fit their ideal client profile.
While not every top advisor markets and prospects in the exact same way, we see that their client acquisition strategies fall predominantly within these four methodologies:
- Becoming Consciously Referable.
- Gaining Targeted Introductions to your ideal client.
- Build your Personal Networking Group of experts to serve your ideal clients.
- Presenting Targeted Seminars, Webinars, and Workshops.
And, as each top advisor operates consistently within these methodologies, they all remain persistent in enhancing their conscious referability. In their minds, referability is table stakes, and it lays the groundwork for their successful implementation of the other three methodologies.
Daniel explained: “Build your own personal networking group. And then rather than offering up referrals once in a while, the whole idea of this personal networking group is to cross-pollinate your clientele. In fact, if there are 10 people within our group, and let’s say all 10 of us have 100 clients, there are 900 potential clients that I can talk to from my nine other partners within this group.”
About Daniel Collison
Dan has over 30 years in the financial services industry. Dan is the co-founder and Managing Partner in the financial education firm Advice2Advisors, which trains, mentors and coaches financial advisors of all tenures.
Dan is a CFP, TEP and taught Personal Financial Management, in the MBA Program at the Schulich School of Business for 22 years and is the author of The Financial Advisor’s Guide to Excellence and Building Bigger & Better: Growth Strategies of Top-Producing Financial Advisors.
Dan regularly presents keynotes and trains advisors across North and South America.
Learn More: https://advice2advisors.ca/
Buy “Building Bigger & Better: Growth Strategies of Top-Producing Financial Advisors”
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