Karen says, “My work is dedicated to supporting entrepreneurial women (we won’t turn away any men, of course) in creating lasting positive changes. I emphasize the importance of listening to the body’s messages and fostering self-esteem, self-confidence, and present-moment living—a life of personal freedom, love, and joy.” Change your Thinking, Change your Life.”
Now, Karen is recognized for her expertise in stress mastery and her ability to empower others to find their own pathways to personal freedom and inner peace. Karen’s journey has made her a testament to the power of transformation and the human capacity to change and choose a better way of living, regardless of past hardships.
To learn more about her Intuitive Journey Guide with a “W” Holistic Focus on Well-Being as a Licensed HeartMath Provider, Facilitator, Mastering in Regenerating Images in Memory (RIM) Facilitator, Trauma Relief, Bio-Well Practitioner: Looking at Stressors in the Body, NLP/ Hypnos and Time Line Therapy Certified Science of Mind Practitioner. visit www.TranquilSOULuitons.com
Email: Karen@TranquilSOULutions.com or book an appointment on her Calendar link: https://tinyurl.com/30-min-connection