A lot of entrepreneurs and business owners have spent a fortune on training, seminars and master classes, with the aim of using the acquired knowledge to grow their businesses but unfortunately, very few of these workshops actually enlighten them on the challenges they are going to face in the business world and how to overcome them. This new book Exceed the Bar is designed to fill that gap in training and knowledge. The book will feature conversations with professionals that have achieved success, providing some insight on how they beat the odds. It offers readers valuable and realistic business suggestions on how to; manage a business including career transitions and challenges, balance business and personal life, overcome start-up business defies and legal factors you should know about your business. Get true-life stories, real experiences, tested ideas, tried and genuine business solutions so you too can exceed the bar.
Kenneth’s aims at growing businesses which he has effectively done successfully since he started his career and he urges small to medium-sized businesses to have business mentors and solicit new strategies of growing their businesses.
Kenneth Bator can be reached through the following addresses:
Email: kbator@btcinc.net
Website URL: www.btcinc.net
Facebook Link: www.facebook.com/BTCINC/
LinkedIn Link: www.linkedin.com/in/kenbator
Twitter Link: twitter.com/kbator
YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/channel/UCRPrQYxHtItbr6feemsQnEg
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