Parker is the founder of True Warrior Success and specializes in helping young men overcome their struggles with addiction. He strives to empower his clients and instill in them new passion and purpose to combat addiction and complacency.
Kevin himself struggled with addiction and learned many valuable lessons from his experiences. He uses that wisdom to provide accountability and encouragement for those who want to stay fully recovered from their addictions. And in this episode, he provides invaluable tips, information, and interesting anecdotes to spread his overwhelmingly positive message.
Kevin says that at True Warrior, they work specifically with people who are struggling with addiction. He says, “I personally focus on assisting struggling young men and helping them unlock their fullest potential.”
Kevin says that the work is incredibly fulfilling and that he gets so much from helping his clients.
There are a lot of misconceptions in his field. He says that some common ones are that they assume he is a sort of counselor, therapist, or sponsor from A.A. or N.A., which is not true.
Parker explained, “Coaching is different and is an action-based process. It’s a present moment methodology. This is apart from therapy and counseling, which dwells more on analyzing the past.”
Mr. Parker is definitely not saying that A.A. and N.A. are ineffective or bad methods, but it may not resonate for a lot of people who have gone the traditional rehab route and have struggled with staying sober.
So, instead of focusing on what the other programs do, Parker has made sure to provide a different type of support system through his coaching–one which is apart from programs that focus more on the past.
Parker further explained that he focuses on working with clients in those crucial 6 months after they have recovered from drug addiction.
“Those 6 months are the biggest months towards the longevity of recovery because it’s easy to fall into complacency and old habits. I work to help them establish new purpose and passion in their lives to ensure that there is enough purpose and positive action to displace the sometimes overwhelming urge to return to old habits.”
In addition to his coaching, Mr. Parker says that he speaks about bullying, addiction, confidence, taking action, and anything that’s going to empower the audience.
And when asked about the book that he’s writing, he said, “It’s a chronicle of all of the life lessons I have learned while I struggled with addiction. The chief purpose of the book is to show people that anything is possible no matter how insurmountable the odds seem.”
To listen to the full interview on Business Innovators Radio, visit https://businessinnovatorsradio.com/kevin-parker-true-warrior-the-addictions-specialist/.
To learn more about Kevin Parker, please visit https://truewarriorsuccess.com/.
Mr. Parker holds multiple Recovery-related National Certifications from The Addictions Academy – https://theaddictionsacademy.com