Soon to be available, She Rises For Tomorrow tackles the issues facing modern womanhood like the perils of a monotonous daily routine and the fear of becoming trapped in the 9 – 5 rat race. For those who dream of making their own rules, running their own business and achieving financial stability from home – help is at hand. With 17 unique takes on how fear and uncertainty has too long held women back in the professional world, these brave accounts offer hope and results.
The anthology format of She Rises For Tomorrow perfectly compliments the spirit of this book – that female unity and the coming together of strong woman serves womankind everywhere. The ‘She Rises 17’ are declaring no woman is alone to approach these problems, there are other women willing to lift them up as they climb the ladder together.
Kimmie has said with great excitement, ‘I’ve put this book together with hopes that this inspires and jolts anyone still holding back into action’. This passion project is not the first time Kimmie has seen her work published. Her international best-seller Not All That Shimmers Is Gold is a testament to human resilience and the nature of change. This message certainly carries through into She Rises For Tomorrow and will be an inspiration for women everywhere that not just desire but need change.