Leadership Coach Denise Miller Discusses How To Improve Communication Strategies For Personal and Business Growth


What inspired you to get into this type of work?

I started as a professional speaker, speaking to youth and adults telling stories that would inspire them. Once I was invited to come and speak at a place where women were getting breast cancer checkups to talk about facing fears and supporting each other. I wrote an article about the healing power of that kind of storytelling and then a local university asked me if I would speak to their graduating health practitioner classes about listening with their whole self. They had identified an ongoing problem due to students making assumptions and not getting the authentic ability to diagnose through receiving all available information the person is communicating – including non-verbal.

I taught that class for the next 15 years. During that time I trained extensively to become better at teaching people how to ‘listen with their whole self’. I now utilize these skills in 1:1 coaching as well as group training. I still love speaking, I still love helping people see each other more clearly. The piece that has the biggest impact on me is when people realize the problems they’re coming to me to solve are really in their mind and if they had clearer thinking they could have easily handled the problem on their own. 

I especially love it when a client takes charge of limiting beliefs. They are often amazed at the new opportunities they see. Opportunities that they never thought possible before are suddenly options because they no longer believe they are less than up to the challenge.


To learn more about Denise Miller visit her website at https://www.denisemiller.ca/

Jeremy Baker

Jeremy Baker has a passion for helping his clients get recognition as experts in their fields. His approach to interviewing helps his clients tell their stories and talk about their unique set of experiences and backgrounds.