She herself is a much stronger, more successful woman these days. That didn’t happen automatically, though. In fact, in the immediate aftermath of her divorce, she felt completely in the dark and at a loss for what to do with her life. But she has sharp survival skills and a determined outlook, and she knew that it was time to forge her own path. So she threw herself into self-development, which helped her to shift her mindset and build lasting confidence. And, as she healed, she also came to understand her calling as a Transformational Life Coach.
Now the unshakeable self-confidence she developed on her journey spurs her on to help others find the same. Working with women all over the world, she helps them to overcome the abusive, narcissistic relationships that hold them back, which can take up to twice as long to recover from than a normal break-up does. But Lisa knows that, through the power of self-development, it is very much possible to find happiness, security and success on the other side of it all. She says: “if you want things to be different you have to do different things, get out of your own way and manifest the future you want”.
To find out more about Lisa’s story and her work, visit https://www.lisacheatham.com/. To set up a booking for interviews, go to https://calendly.com/lisax4b/60-minute.