Mike Jacka Book On Real Estate Soars To No.1 On Amazon Best Seller List

Mike Jacka Book On Real Estate Soars To No.1 On Amazon Best Seller List
New York- New Life Vision, LLC announced the book, “Real Estate Rock Stars: Real Estate Leaders Rocking The Real Estate Industry Today” reached number 1 on the Amazon Best Seller List on the day it debuted.

The new real estate leadership book showcases leading real estate experts officially launched on August 7, 2018, and secured the rank of #1 Bestseller status on Amazon.com on the day of release.

Mike Jacka authored a chapter in the book and “it’s a vital and valuable contribution to the success of the book” according to publisher TC Bradley.

“Mike Jacka is an amazing business leader and I am thrilled we signed him to this book deal,” Bradley concluded.

Mike Jacka is the president and founder of the Minnesota Real Estate Investors Association (MnREIA) and Real Estate Promo, Inc.

He is a St. Paul native and, after a brief stint as a computer technician, became a real estate agent in 1992. Since then, his real estate investing background has become very diverse and includes general contracting, rehabs, single family homes, multi-units, rentals and land trusts in addition to wholesaling, foreclosures, pre-foreclosures, short sales, subject-to (Sub2), lease options and contract for deeds.

The first 6 years, he was doing “OK”. Then in 1998, he attended a real estate educational program and that is when his life and career changed forever. From then on, he was convinced that education is the key to success in this business. He continually attends real estate, business and self-improvement seminars and reads everything he can to improve himself mentally and his real estate skills.

Currently, his real estate business consists of rehabbing, wholesaling, lease options and creating seller financing as well as some small commercial buildings. He also does training and builds systems for investors to improve their learning curve and assist them in their business.

MnREIA started in 2002 with just 8 members and has been growing ever since. The Minnesota REIA has become nationally recognized as one of the largest and most active real estate investment associations in America.

Since Mike understands REIA’s (Real Estate Investors Associations) and how to systemize everything, he has built one of the most successful and comprehensive REIA platforms called the PROS System (Professional REIA Operating System). The PROS system is perfect for all REIA’s both large and small because it is built on Mike’s philosophy of Keeping It Simple System while still being very powerful.

In his free time, he likes to ride around the country on his motorcycle speaking at REIA’s, educating them on real estate investing and teaching them the basics and then systemizing what works so they too can enjoy life while acquiring cash flowing assets. When he’s not speaking or riding the motorcycle, he also enjoys hunting and fishing whenever he can.

Mike Can be reached through his personal website www.MikeJacka.com

“Real Estate Rock Stars: Real Estate Leaders Rocking The Real Estate Industry Today” is available on Amazon.com at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07G7GHM4P


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