Navigating Business Success and Beyond: An Interview with Peggy Niles.

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In this interview, we delve into the world of business performance and profit strategy with Peggy Niles, a seasoned CPA and Certified Business Exit Consultant (CBEC). Peggy sheds light on how she helps business owners overcome common challenges, redefine their goals, and leverage data-driven strategies for sustainable success. Through her holistic approach, Peggy aims to not only enhance profitability but also prepare clients for profitable exits, ensuring their businesses thrive both in the present and the long term. She also addresses common misconceptions about her field and discusses the programs she offers to empower clients beyond their direct engagement with her. Moreover, Peggy shares a compelling client success story that highlights the tangible results achieved through her strategic guidance. This interview offers valuable insights into the world of business consulting and the transformational impact it can have on entrepreneurs and their ventures.


[Q] Who do you help and how?


 I’m a business performance and profit strategist, primarily assisting seasoned business owners in the service industry who typically have 3 to 9 employees. My goal is to help them grow and scale their businesses more profitably while eliminating the overwhelm that comes along with running one’s company. 

My approach is comprehensive, focusing on their entire business. I not only aim to improve their current business performance but also to prepare them for a profitable exit, even long before they plan to exit. This proactive approach ensures their business is well-prepared when the time eventually comes.

In addition to being a CPA, I recently earned my CBEC (Certified Business Exit Consultant) certification. This qualification enables me not only to position them for a profitable exit but also to guide them through the process of creating and executing their exit plan.

[Q] What are the major challenges your clients face, and how do you help them overcome these hurdles?


 The business owners I work with are typically experts in their fields, whether it’s marketing, IT consulting, or any other service industry. While they excel in their core competencies, they often struggle with the daily operational aspects of their businesses. Common challenges include employee issues and a reluctance to delegate control over various aspects of their companies. Many of them are deeply entrenched in every detail of their operations, which can be overwhelming.

Our approach is not to suggest they disengage from their businesses entirely; they should remain actively involved. However, we assist them in creating efficient processes and implementing data-driven strategies that reduce risks and minimize the need for their direct involvement in every operational aspect. This empowerment enables them to proactively focus on critical areas that require their attention, such as identifying potential challenges or seizing growth opportunities.

Additionally, we guide them in building a dependable and self-reliant team. For instance, I recently worked with a business owner planning to transition into a more passive role as retirement approached. He had hoped his second-in-command would step up, but this transition didn’t go as smoothly as expected. We aim to prevent such situations by helping business owners cultivate a cohesive team that shares their vision, values, and commitment to serving clients. We strive to foster a positive organizational culture aligned with the owner’s vision, ensuring everyone works together toward common goals and objectives.

[Q] How do you assist them in defining their objectives and goals?


 Defining objectives and goals starts with gaining a deep understanding of the client’s business, their ambitions, and their ultimate vision. To do this, we begin by conducting a thorough analysis of their business. This involves a close examination of financial records, an evaluation of existing operational processes, an assessment of team dynamics, and discussions with team members to ensure alignment with shared objectives and values. We also evaluate their products or services.

Once we’ve completed this assessment, we sit down with the business owner to provide an honest overview of our findings, highlighting both strengths and areas for improvement. From there, we work collaboratively with the owner to identify and define their specific goals and objectives. We need to strike a balance between short-term actions that yield immediate results and long-term strategies that ensure sustained success. The future can be unpredictable, so we aim to prepare the business for both short-term and long-term prosperity. Ultimately, it’s about finding that equilibrium.


[Q] What are the significant benefits and outcomes clients can expect from your services?


 Clients who work with me can anticipate several significant benefits and outcomes. Firstly, they will experience an increase in profitability. While it’s important to note that during growth phases, there may be a temporary dip in profits due to necessary investments, they will ultimately have a clear understanding of their goals and objectives.

Secondly, they will gain a sharper focus, not only from the business owner but also from their team. This alignment of vision and purpose within the organization is a key outcome of our work together.

Another benefit is the improved allocation of resources. Often, business owners may misinterpret the profitability of their clients. They might assume that their highest revenue-generating client is the most profitable. However, a more detailed analysis often reveals that this client consumes a disproportionate amount of resources, resulting in lower overall profitability. By gaining these insights, clients can make more informed decisions to drive the growth of their company.

Working with me enables clients to establish greater predictability in their business operations. The strategic plan we develop is flexible and adaptable, allowing them to proactively address unforeseen challenges that every business encounters. With this foresight, they can navigate challenges more effectively as they arise. In summary, my services equip clients with the tools and knowledge needed to chart a successful and sustainable course for their business while increasing the overall company value.

[Q] Are there any common myths or misconceptions about your work that you frequently encounter?


 Yes, there are several misconceptions I come across regularly. One prevalent myth is the belief that paying attention to finances is primarily for tax purposes. Many business owners fail to realize the significance of having a strategic plan. Consequently, they get caught up in the day-to-day grind, feeling like they’re running on a hamster wheel. This reactive approach to daily issues can lead to burnout and chaos.

Another misconception is the underutilization of data by business owners. Surprisingly, they often neglect this valuable resource due to fear. They may have a sense of how their business is truly performing but hesitate to confront the reality that the data reveals. It’s as if they’re afraid of having their assumptions confirmed.

Additionally, some business owners believe they lack the necessary understanding of numbers and data. The mere mention of figures and data can make them uncomfortable, especially those in creative or technical fields like marketing or IT. What they may not realize is how effectively leveraging data can mitigate risks, enhance predictability, and bring a sense of control to their business operations.

[Q] How do you help clients overcome these challenges?


 We take a practical approach to help clients overcome these challenges. It begins with our initial assessment, where we uncover areas of their business that require attention. This process often serves as an eye-opener for them, highlighting the potential benefits of focusing on specific aspects or seeking assistance in those areas.

One of the significant benefits clients gain is increased accountability, which is a core aspect of working with a consultant like myself. As business owners, they often bear the weight of responsibility for every decision and action. This top-down accountability can sometimes lead to a lack of external checks and balances. Even when they seek input from their team, team members may be hesitant to provide unfiltered feedback due to fear of consequences. This is where external accountability becomes crucial. We help our clients stay on course with their objectives, ensuring they remain aligned with their goals and don’t get sidetracked.

[Q] Do you have programs focused on ensuring long-term success even after your direct involvement?


 Yes, we offer various programs tailored to our clients’ specific needs. For larger companies, we often engage in one-on-one consulting because they require ongoing CFO services and extensive strategic planning. Many of these client relationships develop into long-term partnerships.

Additionally, we have a hybrid program that combines one-on-one consulting with group coaching, spanning a year. This program aims to provide clients with a deep understanding of data management and the effective leverage of available resources with on-point actionable strategies. It also assists them in creating their strategic plan and fostering a sense of accountability within their organization.

Furthermore, we’re considering launching a group program targeting individuals who may not have extensive business experience but are experts in their fields. These clients might feel overwhelmed by the various aspects of running a business. Our objective is to provide comprehensive education in critical areas, emphasizing the importance of a holistic approach to business management.

Many of our clients come from corporate backgrounds, where departments and segments are often treated as separate entities. In contrast, we advocate for interdependence among all segments and departments within a business. We teach clients how to integrate this approach into their decision-making processes, ensuring that goals and strategies account for the contributions and needs of each department. For example, we help align marketing promises with operational capabilities, leading to smoother and more effective operations.

[Q] What do you believe prevents more people from seeking the kind of help you offer?


 Several factors contribute to why more people don’t seek the kind of assistance I provide. One significant concern is confidentiality. Business owners often face substantial challenges, and the stress and responsibility of running a business can lead to mental health issues. They might not want to admit their struggles, as they aim to maintain an image of success. This can be particularly challenging as it affects not only their professional but also their personal lives, with partners or spouses adjusting to their constant work commitments. Moreover, friends and acquaintances outside the business world may not fully grasp the unique challenges they encounter.

Another obstacle is finding the right person to help. It’s not just about hiring someone who offers the necessary services; establishing a strong rapport and a mutually beneficial relationship is equally crucial. Without that connection, the effectiveness of the assistance can be hindered. Unfortunately, some individuals may initially connect with professionals who don’t establish this rapport, leading to less successful experiences. This can make them hesitant to seek help again in the future.

[Q] Could you share a client success story and its outcome?


 Absolutely, I have a client success story that illustrates the positive impact of our collaboration. This particular client operated a printing business and had aspirations for expanding its operations. When we began our consulting engagement, we noticed room for improvement in the performance of their sales team, which was crucial for growth.

One significant change we implemented involved restructuring the sales team’s compensation. Initially, they received a flat commission rate based on revenue generated, even before client payments were received. We revamped the commission structure to account for overhead expenses, ensuring commissions were paid only upon client payment. This change not only incentivized the sales team to work harder to secure payments but also deepened their understanding of the business’s financial dynamics.

We also conducted a thorough analysis of customer profitability, which revealed an opportunity to acquire a small printing company. They had been acting as intermediaries for certain segments, but by bringing printing in-house, they eliminated the middleman and increased profitability, especially for smaller jobs.

As a result of these strategic changes, the client’s business experienced substantial growth. They expanded their services, broadened their client base, and improved profit margins. With this increased profitability, the owner was able to secure a comfortable retirement fund and build a more reliable and skilled sales team.

Ultimately, this client achieved their revenue goals, successfully sold the business, and retired contentedly. This story underscores the importance for business owners not to lose sight of their personal lives and relationships amid the demands of running a business. It emphasizes the need to prepare for the future, ensuring that years of dedication to the business culminate in a profitable exit. Striking that balance between immediate success and long-term preparation is key.

How can people learn more about your services?


Certainly, if people are interested in learning more about my services, there are several ways to get in touch:


  1. You can access my complimentary guide, “Five Simple Steps to Profitably Streamline Your Business,” at


  1. You can schedule a short breakthrough Discovery call with me by visiting


  1. Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn at


I’d be delighted to provide more information and discuss how I can assist you with your business needs.

Jeremy Baker

Jeremy Baker has a passion for helping his clients get recognition as experts in their fields. His approach to interviewing helps his clients tell their stories and talk about their unique set of experiences and backgrounds.