Coaching Clients Who Can And Will Pay’, in response to the statistics that four in
five coaching business fail globally.
The coaching industry is said to be worth $2b worldwide. In today’s online business
culture, the number of coaches is rapidly growing but an astonishing four out of five
of those coaching businesses are said not to stand the test of time. The Coaching
Revolution was founded in 2017 in response to The International Coaching
Federation statistic that 82% of coaching businesses fail within the first two years.
The Coaching Revolution know that the skills needed to building a coaching
business are different from the skills needed to be a coach. ‘How To Find Coaching
Clients Who Can And Will Pay’ was devised to tackle the shocking fact that four in
five coaches will inevitably fail, some before they even properly begin. The book will
enable readers to define and find their dream clients, share ideas to grow their coaching
practice, and how to rinse and repeat the strategies to create longevity and cash flow
within the reader’s business.
Author of ‘How To Find Coaching Clients Who Can And Will Pay’ and Co-Founder of
The Coaching Revolution, Sarah Short, wrote the book to help new and established
coaches turn coaching qualifications into viable businesses.
The Coaching Revolution is a collective of coaches and mentors who have financially
successful coaching businesses in the United Kingdom and Australia. The Coaching
Revolution grew from three coaches’ aspirations to deliver a better route for coaches
looking to make the leap from ‘hoping and wishing’ to real earning.
Co-Founder of The Coaching Revolution and ‘How To Find Coaching Clients Who
Can And Will Pay’ author, Sarah Short, states, “I am passionate about helping
coaches move from where they are now, to having a financially successful coaching
practice. There is a massive failure rate among coaches because their coach
school training rarely covers business development.” Short continues, “Coaching is
one thing, the business of coaching is something else. We show coaches how to
create thriving and sustainable businesses to utilise their incredible coaching skills.
We want to support coaches around the world so it felt the right time to bring ‘How
To Find Coaching Clients Who Can And Will Pay’ to life.”
Sarah Short runs her own coaching practice alongside The Coaching Revolution
offering executive coaching with companies up to £40m turnover. Short has a long
and successful self-employment history, including UK National Director for an
international coaching organisation and running a drama school teaching 4-18 year
old youths in the United Kingdom and Botswana.
Founded in 2017 by Sarah Short, Paul Hancock and Paul Snell, The Coaching
Revolution supports coaches around the world to build and sustain their coaching
practice through one-to-one mentoring and training. ‘How To Find Coaching Clients
Who Can And Will Pay’ will be available on Kindle at the end of October 2018.
Find out more about Sarah Short and The Coaching Revolution
at: www.thecoachingrevolution.co.uk