After taking a traditional path to employment, Stefan Ciancio spent three long years workingnine-to-five as a mechanical engineer. Unfulfilled with his day-to-day life and deep in debt after his college days, he decided to sell things on eBay as a side hustle. It didn’t take him long to start making good money doing very little, and his natural flair for business began to show itself. He learned something significant from this endeavour, too: that the one thingevery online entrepreneur needs to succeed is traffic. Taking this knowledge and running with it, he was able to quit his job and pursue a life as a solopreneur. Now a digital marketing expert and the co-owner of WebinarKit, his career revolves around helping people expand the reach of their businesses and be their own boss, just as he did.
These days, he can talk candidly about his experience of dissatisfaction with the world of work, as well as the dos and don’ts of running a successful business. One of the most vital points he pushes is the importance of webinars, believing as he does that they are an essential tool for businesses in 2020 and beyond. He has seen first-hand just how much this technology can do for businessowners when it is utilised effectively, and his own webinar softwareWebinarKit has helped many go on to boost their profits and turn interest into actual sales.
Reflecting on his story, Stefan explains: “I was making about $1,000 a month selling things on eBay and then I saw something about people making money publishing Kindle books and decided to start selling digital products”. From there, he “realised a lot of people don’t know how to grow their business or how to get the right people to visit their website,” leading him to his lightbulb moment. Ultimately, the work he does today as a coach and designer of webinar software springs from this period in his life, and is all about helping his clients expand their reach and make the biggest splash they can. Without Stefan’s innovation and insights, many entrepreneurs would still be struggling for clients in an overcrowded market.
To find out more about Stefan Ciancio, his story and his work, visitwww.actiontakingblogger.com.