As the founder and lead practitioner of her practices in South Jersey and Des Moines, Outlaw has been hands-on with nutrition and nutritional assessment. Her familiarity with how the body reacts to what it consumes is fundamental to her program’s approach. “Nutrition Response Testing® is a method by which one can test the body, the organs and systems, and look at the autonomic nervous system.” That information in turn helps the body at a process/mechanical level, far deeper than the traditional external observation method of medicine. The concept started decades before with kinesiology assisting chiropractic treatment that was not “sticking” due to nutritional deficiencies blocking the way for healing in the patient.
Focused on a “community” approach with health education, Outlaw’s program helps families improve their overall approach to nutrition. Starting with educating the parents first, Outlaw’s program has hundreds of kids benefiting now, with improved results in sleep, growth, ability to learn in school, improved immune system response, and teaching long-term practices for overall lifetime health. It’s about changing the paradigm in families’ food thinking.
Outlaw’s background is unselfishly attributed to Dr. Freddie Ulan, founder of Nutrition Response Testing® and Ulan Nutritional Systems, Inc. Through this resource, along with her education in Clinical Nutrition from New York Chiropractic College, and partnership with Standard Process, Inc., Outlaw has been able to distribute these nutrition training methods to communities that would otherwise be caught up in the same cycle of trying ineffective traditional medical interventions over and over again.
It’s a revolution in true, original healthcare that produces results. She empowers others to learn this modality and now has employed multiple Associate Practitioners over the last year in both locations. With the assistance of Associate Practitioners, Laura Heaney-Burcher, Abigail Arculeo, Izzi Buckles, Katie Madsen, and her newest Associates, Jessica Milner and Nikki Barkhaus, they are together changing the healthcare paradigm in the country. Sarah Outlaw also credits her husband, family, supplement reps, and office teams with keeping her going in her social pursuit for better healthcare. “It’s a team effort.” Outlaw notes, “Without the support of my teams in both locations I would not be able to fulfill my mission and purpose.”
Find out more about effective nutrition and Sarah Outlaw’s push to bring practical healthcare knowledge to every community possible. You can listen to her interview on the Business Innovators Radio Network here.
Additionally, Outlaw will be featured in the upcoming Amazon bestselling book series, “Expert Profiles: Conversations with Influencers and Innovators.”
For more information on either of the Natural Health Improvement Centers in either Iowa or New Jersey, online at: www.nhicdesmoines.com or www.nhicsouthjersey.com or by email info@nhicdesmoines.com or info@nhicsouthjersey.com