Coming from a place of, “been there, done that” Andrea felt the need to deliver simple tools to transform the lives of those dealing with stress, overwhelming situations and feelings of guilt so that they could go on to lead more peace-filled and productive lives. Her journey was not all smooth sailing as Andrea moved from the UK to New Zealand and back to the UK, in less than a year, after a painful divorce. Being a newly single parent, overcome by a variety of challenges, building resilience was the only way to make it through. Andrea realized quickly that she had to create a new life for herself and was determined to learn about new perspectives and techniques that would strengthen her mindset and allow her to bounce back quickly from any future difficulties that would surface. Through her research and studies, Andrea found the courage and confidence to once again become happy and successful in life and career.
Seeking to share her knowledge and help others positively shape their mind and discover inner strength, Andrea compiled all of her research and authored the book Fear Less, Live More, launched on December 3rd 2020. This enlightening book will enable individuals to build a higher level of fortitude so that they may face adversity and bounce back quicker. Subsequently, her 6-week Mindful Approach to Living a Happier Life begins the 2nd week of January 2021. Her exclusive Ultimate Stress Resilience Programme will be run a few times a year in 2021(Bookings open in first week 2021). Geared towards business owners, corporate leaders and entrepreneurs who are looking to increase their level of performance and weed out all of the noise, Andrea’s resources are sure to be life-changing.
Fear Less, Live More highlights Andrea’s story and is filled with case studies as well as clear, straightforward tools and techniques that individuals can use whenever they are stressed, overwhelmed or overcome with feelings of guilt. The book demonstrates how opening the mind allows one to seek new strategies and regain control of the mind, which ultimately improves levels of mental and physical health and happiness. Readers will learn that it is possible to turn a negative mindset into a positive one. By doing so, this will begin a chain reaction in setting new ways of thinking, talking and even behaving and will be life-changing!
In addition to Andrea’s new book and program, she also offers corporate training where she guides controlling stress so that individuals can feel happier in the workplace, online courses where individuals can learn unique techniques on being more mindful and 1 to 1 coaching where participants will experience a transformation by working in a more intimate environment.
“Seeking help from Andrea through my moments of madness has helped change my mindset to a calmer more positive approach, enabling me to feel more empowered with the ability to stay in control.” – Helen Partridge
Andrea Smith is a qualified stress resilience coach, author, speaker, registered nurse (RN), has a Masters in Psychology and a clinical hypnosis degree, is qualified in systemic coaching, cognitive behaviour therapy, a master practitioner in neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), emotional freedom technique (EFT) and mindfulness. She is on a mission to share, tried and tested simple and easy to use techniques to enable individuals to bounce back from everyday life and business challenges. Her book, Fear Less, Live More launches on December 3rd and her 6-week course, Mindful Approach to Living a Happier Life, begins the 2nd week of January 2021.