The Addictions Academy Opiate Use Disorder training is designed for addiction specialists, counselors, therapists, peer support workers, recovery coaches, techs, hospital workers, and front line caregivers, along with first responders (nurse, doctor, EMT, Firefighters, police, etc). This detailed training covers how opiates and opioids became prevalent in the USA and how to address and combat the problem. The comprehensive course also trains professionals on Medically Assisted Therapies (MAT), HIV, and more.
“If you have ever wanted to know more about Opiate Use Disorder and addictions to drugs like heroin, morphine, codeine, Oxycontin, oxycodone, and Fentanyl, this is the class for you,” Dr. Estes said.
She continued, “We are honored to help Nebraska and their mental health professionals to gain a better understanding of Opioid Use Disorder and give them some tools to effectively address the challenges it poses in their communities.”
The Addictions Academy Opiate Use Disorder training addresses medically assisted treatments like Suboxone, Methadone, and Vivitrol and how to safely taper and detox from opiate use. The course also covers Acute Withdrawal, Post Acute Withdrawal, and how opiates affect the brain and serotonin/dopamine uptake receptors. Addiction versus dependence, how to handle an overdose, pregnancy, and opiates and even HIV is discussed. The Addictions Academy Opiate Use Disorder training takes an in-depth look at opiates and how professionals can successfully assist their clients and patients in getting sober and handling the fallout from use.
The Opiate Use Disorder training and Continuing Education is part of the Nebraska Drug Overdose Prevention Program in the Division of Public Health. The Nebraska Drug Overdose Prevention Program is working to improve the health, safety, and well-being of Nebraskans through multiple efforts.
Drug overdose prevention efforts include the Nebraska Pain Management Guidance Document and tools as a prescribing resource for providers, awareness around the expanded access to naloxone (the opioid overdose antidote), and the Nebraska Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) as a tool for medical providers treating patients. Additionally, the Division of Public Health works closely with the Division of Behavioral Health by providing tools, resources, and treatment options for Nebraskans. In 2016, 128 people died in Nebraska from a drug overdose. Of those at least, 35% involved an opioid (including prescription pain relievers, heroin, fentanyl, or other opioids).
In Nebraska and nationwide, opioid overdoses and deaths are on the increase. The American Medical Association recently raised the alarm, stating, “The U.S. is seeing its worst COVID-19 surge of the year. Yet as the number of new cases, hospitalizations and deaths all rise, the country continues to deal with a concurrent epidemic affecting Americans: A drug overdose epidemic driven by illicit fentanyl, methamphetamine and cocaine.”
With 25 years as a clinician and addictions professional, Dr. Cali Estes opened up a private practice and began helping people around the world get sober from drugs and alcohol. While building her signature practice, Sober on Demand, and helping top Celebrities, NFL players, and CEO’s get their lives together, she also founded The Addictions Academy.
Dr. Estes said, “Unfortunately the pandemic has reinvigorated the opioid epidemic. We were gaining some headway the past few years, but things are not going well now. We are eager to help Nebraska and their mental health professionals do what they can to address this issue.”
Dr. Cali Estes and The Addictions Academy have been offering a wide-ranging assortment of advanced training for several years in an ongoing effort to counteract the growing addiction problem. The Academy has more than 30 faculty teaching over 40 courses in five different languages. Program graduates can be found in 25 countries helping address the addiction problem worldwide.
For information about the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services Drug Overdose Prevention Program, go to http://dhhs.ne.gov/Pages/Drug-Overdose-Prevention.aspx
To learn more about Dr. Cali Estes, The Addictions Coach and Founder of The Addictions Academy, visit https://theaddictionscoach.com and https://theaddictionsacademy.com.