Estes said, “Launchpad and LaunchPadXpress offer the missing link that assists clients in staying sober and dealing with life problems from a solution-focused, individually tailored, hands-on program that is customized to each individual.”
Up until now, traditional addiction and substance-abuse treatment programs often require the client to remove themselves from their home and work environments to attend in-patient care. Aftercare such as the LaunchPad program has been proven to increase the success of any treatment.
Additionally, LaunchPad can be a 45-day program or a 30-day XPress program and can work around busy schedules: at home, at work, on tour, anyplace, anywhere. LaunchPad covers 5 distinct phases of Aftercare that are imperative to creating a healthy lifestyle and increasing recovery success. These 5 Phases are implemented with The Addiction Coach’s certified, credentialed staff over the course of our program. The LaunchPad program has no group therapy and is truly customized to you, the client.
“We get to the root cause of the ambivalence and the ‘stuck points’ to assist our clients in moving forward with their lives in a productive, happy and excited manner,” Dr. Estes explained. “It is not just about the ability to create a life for themselves, but the ability to create a life that has meaning, joy, and fulfillment.”
As we head into 2019, early reports show the nation’s opioid crisis has reached new proportions in 2018, continuing to increase from the unbelievable 70,000 deaths we saw in 2017. Overdose deaths are now higher than deaths from H.I.V, car crashes, or gun violence at their peaks.
A recent article in The U.S. News & World Report, “Why Do Alcoholics and Addicts Relapse So Often?” noted that despite knowing it would cost them their relationships, their freedom, their careers, and even their lives, many alcoholics and addicts in recovery still relapse.
U.S. News stated, “Relapse is common, and it doesn’t discriminate. Between 40 to 60 percent of people who’ve been treated for addiction or alcoholism relapse within a year, according to a 2014 study in JAMA.”
Nearly 200 people are succumbing to overdose every day in the United States right now, with some areas of the country seeing hundreds of calls daily for heroin overdose. Many of these unfortunate people who overdose have been through treatment, often several times.
The American Society of Addiction Medicine reports that individuals who complete withdrawal management programs but do not engage in additional treatment or aftercare programs following their completion display overall relapse rates that approach 100 percent. Individuals who engage in aftercare programs relapse at rates that are far lower.
“Depending on the particular drug the individual was abusing, rates of relapse are typically much lower with a quality aftercare program,” Estes recently said.
She went on, “Launchpad and LuanchpadXpress are more than just help for the suffering addict, we include the family as well. We are aware that addiction affects the entire family unit and we are well versed and trained in family dynamics.”
Dr. Estes explained that many relapses occur beacuse the addicted individual returns to the same environment after treatment, the same environment which encouraged their addictive behaviors.
“It’s critical to help these newly sober individuals within the homes and environments that sometimes lead to their struggles,” Estes noted. “We help them move past the emotional and even subconscious triggers to prevent relapse and starting the vicious cycle all over again.”
Dr. Cali Estes and The Addictions Academy have been offering a wide-ranging assortment of advanced training for years in an on-going effort to counteract the growing addiction problem. The Academy has more than 30 faculty teaching over 40 courses in five different languages. Program graduates can be found in 23 countries helping address the addiction problem worldwide.
For more info on the LaunchPad and LuanchPadXpress programs, go to https://theaddictionscoach.com/launch-pad-xpress/.
To learn more about Dr. Cali Estes, The Addictions Coach, visit https://theaddictionscoach.com.