Her new eBook Teach Your Children They Are Enough (3 Proven Steps To Help Raise Your Child’s Self-Esteem) was launched June 21, 2020.
This new eBook focuses on how to raise our children to know they are enough.
“When we as parents look at our own life, did we grow up knowing our worth?” asks Keller. “Today so many of our children our hiding behind labels or depression, anxiety, etc. Children need to be taught they are enough.”
“Their worth starts at home, from their parents. What if you were given 3 proven steps to ensure you are doing what you can to ensure your child knows they are enough. This new eBook does exactly that.”
Beyond the stories that Veenu shares through both the experiences of her clients and herself, she gives readers the opportunity to take action to incorporate the steps that have been proven to work to build self-esteem in children.
To access her new eBook, visit her website www.veenuinspires.com
Veenu Keller is a Certified Life Coach and Certified Behavior Consultant. She has been called “the family & kid whisperer.” Her signature In Home TurnAround is described by clients as “more than just a program, it’s an experience.”
She has previously topped Amazon.com best sellers list with her contribution in these 2 books Bullyproof: Unleash the Hero Inside Your Kid and Numb. Both books featured leaders, experts of different ages from different industries, all dedicated to supporting kids to know they are enough, how to feel safe, as well as alternative ways to self-harming.
Keller has 6 kids of her own, and has experienced almost every title of mom (single-mom, mom of multiples, multi-generational mom, step mom, working mom, at home mom, co-parenting mom, married mom and grandma)
Keller is available for coaching, consulting, in home transformation, as well as speaking engagements.
For more information about Veenu Keller and her programs, visit www.veenuinspires.com.