Kathryn Samuels Makes Total Wellness Work for Baby Boomers

Tracy: We’re fortunate today to have Kathryn Samuels join us to share some of the things she has learned in her journey as an entrepreneur. Thank you for being here Kathryn. Let’s start by hearing your back story, how did you become an entrepreneur?myra2IMG_0032

Kathryn: Well Tracy, in 2001 my family and I moved to Pensacola, FL where I realized I didn’t want to continue my job as a financial planner. I wanted to work in a field where I felt fulfilled and passionate. After much thought and prayer, I remembered the times I had struggled with self-esteem and self- image, and I wanted to help others facing the same obstacles. Personal training fit the bill where could teach others to be healthy, feel fit, and help them look good to improve their self-esteem. I knew I needed experience and training, so I got my personal training certification and started working at a gym to transform by client’s bodies. Soon, I realized that my clients couldn’t just work the outside of their bodies, but they needed to improve their bodies internally so I got my nutrition license. My clients started losing weight and getting stronger, but I was puzzled as to why some of them gained the weight back. That’s when I realize d that last piece of the equation was to help teach them how to change their mindset and brain patterns – so I got my life coach certification. With my three-pronged approach, I starting seeing long term success in client health, but I found the gym environment restrictive, so I set out on my own and started A New U – Total Wellness.

Tracy: What can you share with us about how you’ve matured as an entrepreneur?

Kathryn: Through experiences with clients, I was able to learn what they needed for success. I sought out training and earned certifications to supply them with what they needed to meet their goals and get results. By approaching personal training from multiple facets, I’ve been able to help improve my client’s health and growing my business in the process

Tracy: What can you do for your clients?

Kathryn: I can help others to transition into a healthy lifestyle. I offer personal training, nutrition education, and life coaching. My approach is unique and successful because I focus on the spiritual, mental, and physical aspects of my client’s lives.

Tracy: Can you share a success story with us?

Kathryn: Of course, one of my first clients after setting out on my own came to me painfully shy, with plummeting self-esteem, and almost 150 pounds overweight. Even going to the grocery store surrounded by crowds of people was so overwhelming for him that he’s be close to a breakdown after each trip. He was on heart and cholesterol medication and his doctors were very concerned. After working together, the transformation I saw was incredible. He lost over 100 pounds, got off his cholesterol and blood pressure medications, and was able to interact socially with my other clients and in society. I knew I was in the right place and stories like his keep me passionate about what I do.

Tracy: Being an entrepreneur requires a constant fuel supply to keep that passion and motivation going. Where does yours come from?

Kathryn: I have a loving family of my husband, two sons, and two grandsons. I’m active in a great church and community. I love reading and running in my spare time.

Tracy: Do most of your clients have a common problem or questions you hear all the time?

Kathryn: My clients’ biggest problems are mindset and eating habits. Some of them even hate to exercise – so that’s always a challenge to move past. We work to change their mental process to think of their life long health rather than a quick fix.

My potential clients ask how long it will take to lose weight and when they’ll make it to their goal, or what exercise will benefit them most.
My clients have tried everything. The most common “strategy” I see is the clients going on restrictive diets. Diets don’t work!

Tracy: Thank you for spending time with us today, Kathryn. You’ve given us some great insight. How can someone connect with you?

Kathryn: My website is www.ksamuels.com I can be reached by email at kathryn@ksamuels.com or we can connect on Linkedin at https://www.linkedin.com/in/kathryn-samuels-a2a35316

Look for her new book to be released in early 2016.  Think and Grow Healthy to be available on Amazon.com. 

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T. Allen Hanes

#1 Best Selling Author, International Speaker, Radio Host. T. Allen Hanes is long a time entrepreneur and business contributor for Small Business Trendsetters, CNN iReport, Thrive Global and Medium. He is also the founder of The Authority Syndicate Group. Co-Founder of The Crypto business Forum New York. An Educator and Advocate for entrepreneurs and small business owners. He has also traveled the world speaking and educating audiences.