According to Wees, “When it comes to sales and profit, one of the biggest things entrepreneurs struggle with is product research and negotiation costs with suppliers.” Daily in her consulting business, Wees helps entrepreneurs filter through potential products and find winners.
“Sometimes startups have already chosen a product but have failed to do the necessary market research and validation, essentially wasting time talking to suppliers and getting samples from China just to find out their product is a dud,” Wees says. “The other problem is keeping costs low enough to make a profit. Sourcing platforms like Alibaba.com are loaded with trading companies that essentially act as the middle man for factories, passing the increased cost on to the business owner wanting to import and sell these products.” Wees continued saying, “She has noticed a severe knowledge gap in product research and sourcing for entrepreneurs wanting to start a profitable e-commerce retail business on Amazon.com or other platforms; or those wanting to be successful in wholesale to brick and mortar stores.”
So, Wees decided to do something about it by creating the ultimate hands-on course for entrepreneurs with over 20 hours of webinars teaching everything from product research and development of unique products, understanding costs, and essential numbers, to manufacturing processes and intellectual property considerations. This course ends with a hosted trip to the Canton Fair in China where she’ll reveal a product she’s been working on throughout the course and negotiate a deal with a factory right in front of her group, teaching the skills necessary for each course attendee to do the same with confidence.
Wees also talks about how China accounts for 15% of all economic activity in the world due to manufacturing. It’s no surprise that China is known as The World’s factory. The Canton Fair, officially known as The China Import and Export Exposition, is the world’s largest gathering of suppliers in one location. If you want to buy something, import something, or manufacture something, the Canton Fair is the place to be.
That’s why Wees has chosen to start the Amazing at Home Canton Fair Experience Course with two months of training in the background knowledge of choosing the right product, understanding the marketplace and meeting customer needs and ending it right where these entrepreneurs will be most successful in directly sourcing their products.
Just two days after Wees announced her unique course for entrepreneurs, all 15 spots were filled due to demand. “Entrepreneurs want to attend the Canton Fair, but an experience like this can be overwhelming and scary if you’ve never talked face to face with a supplier before,” said Wees.
Amazing at Home is pairing with experienced professionals in the industry to grow the course so it can be open to more people in the future. “I can’t wait to see how these businesses thrive with this information and use the feedback to improve the course for our next trip to Canton in October,” Wees says.
Amazing at Home Business Consulting is in San Antonio, Texas but helps entrepreneurs around the world to launch new brands on Amazon.com and other marketplaces. To learn more about the Canton Fair Experience or any of their services, visit Amazingathome.com.