Her book explores topics such as how to lose weight safely and effectively; how to maintain a healthy, balanced life; how to reduce the risk of weight-related illness; and how to boost well-being as well as get into great shape and enjoy a quality life. Imelda explores ways to manage weight long-term and stop “crazy dieting.” She focuses on positive steps to becoming fit and healthy rather than trying one weight-loss plan after another, only to fail in the end.
According to the author, “Think about the good life of being fit and healthy for the rest of your life. Read this book, Why Most Weight-Loss Diets Fail, and learn how you can break through the boundaries to overcome any struggles, challenges, or any obstacles that are the potential threat to your health and well-being.”
For a free copy of Why Most Weight-Loss Diets Fail, a $32 value, visit the author’s website at www.whymostweightlossdietsfailbook.com.
About Imelda Babia: Imelda Babia a weight-loss and healthy lifestyle consultant who works with clients to create ways to reach a healthy weight and maintain stamina and good health. She is the author of the recent bestseller Why Most Weight-Loss Diets Fail, which explores the reasons most people cannot diet effectively and how to overcome the “yo-yo diet” trap.