Book Providing Insights From Real Estate Professionals in Toronto Hits Amazon Best Seller List

Book Providing Insights From Real Estate Professionals in Toronto Hits Amazon Best Seller List
Platinum Publishing’s recent release, “PROPERTY TRENDSETTERS – Successful Toronto Real Estate Experts Share Key Insider Secrets,” hit’s best seller list, climbing all the way to Number One in the Real Estate Investments.

In response to book reaching Number One, Platinum Publishing Publisher, Fatima Omar Khamissa said, “Hitting the Best Seller list is something we are excited to have achieved. This is an important project for us because we have been able to create a powerful resource for Real Estate Investors.”

Describing the unique concept behind the book, Omar Khamissa explained, “This wasn’t a topic we could tackle on our own, so we reached out to some of the top Real Estate Professionals across Toronto and asked them to give their insight into the economy, investing, being a landlord, staging your home, insurance options and many other topics connected to real estate”

Omar Khamissa expressed appreciation for the book’s contributors, saying, “We are extremely fortunate to have the caliber of Real Estate Professionals who shared their expertise on this project. Each and every one of them is a true advocate and educator. To have Amazon put this book at the top of their Best Seller list in the Real Estate Investments is an incredible achievement and puts a spotlight on the appreciation and recognition they deserve.”

With the recent news around real estate in Toronto in the media, PROPERTY TRENDSETTERS subject matter is a hot topic and a must read for Real Estate Investors. Featuring chapter contribution with Tim Syrianos, Edith Kernerman, Anthony Gordon, Sina Dejnabadi, Zenobia Omarali, Carolynn Tersigni, Mayur Gandhi, Melina Zeppieri, Brian Young, and Ted Tsiakopoulos.


“PROPERTY TRENDSETTERS – Successful Toronto Real Estate Experts Share Key Insider Secrets ” at



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