Business & Life Coach, Lindsay Andreotti Discusses How She Helps People Feel Empowered To Create A Life They Love

Can you share an example?

One of my colleagues was going through a transition in her career and she had been doing the same job for almost 15 years with the same company and was finding herself feeling agitated, needing to do more, wanting something to change but didn’t know exactly how to do it. At the same time, she was completely terrified to make a shift because of the common fears that we all experience. The money was good. She knew the job. She had a great relationship with the company and her boss. All the things that give us reason to go, “Ooh, I don’t want to change that. I like what I’ve got.”  But at the same time, she was ready for a change and knew she needed to do something else, so we worked on a process with her that first revealed what lit her up and what it was about the change or the new version of herself that was really in alignment with where she needed to go? We then looked at a process for how to overcome the fear, how to reprogram the false fear that she had created and then developed a new story in her mind about how her current situation was going to be if she made a shift towards what she loved. We then created a roadmap of what that looked like and the five or six steps that she could take with her lights on to move toward her new vision.

The end result was creating a contract with her present employer that allowed her to go and do her dream while also continuing to work with the people she loved. It was a profound change for her in her life because she thought it had to be one or the other and she made up a huge story about how her present employer was going to make it hard for her to make this change. This ended up being mostly in her mind and she learned how to reprogram her patterns so she could have everything she wanted.

What is your inspiration?

My own journey led me to how I help people today. Earth.University as a business is a ___ of what I wanted when I was about 30 years old.  I had to overcome my own obstacles in my life. I had to face my fears. I had to learn what it takes to maximize this physical body of mine to be in service to my calling. I had to work on myself, my relationship with others, my career, my personality–everything.  I felt the call as a caterpillar when I was 29 and I am still becoming my better and better butterfly self. 

My inspiration was and continues to be pursuing my own Ph.D. in myself. Because of the curriculum, I followed, and the ability to see what was happening while I was in the soup, I have now created a process for others to get their own Personal Hyper Drive (PHD) to their most satisfying life.  

I finally feel like, after 54 years on the planet, I’ve really gotten in touch with the magic of the human experience. I often say to entrepreneurs, if you’re going to build a company around something that matters to you, scratch your own itch, something that truly matters to you and your personal experience of life will probably matter to a lot of other people. That’s what inspired me to create Earth.University. I began to recognize that my soul came to this earth in a human form so that I could learn and grow and that everything about my life has been my classroom. I simply turned it back around to look at and find gratitude for the entire experience that was me.

It is a very powerful and rewarding process to show others how to do the same thing in their lives. What inspires me is lighting people up and helping them get on with their dreams. Our passions and dreams are pre-programmed, and we learn by continuing to learn, grow, and understand that we are the creators of our experiences.  I also really enjoy connecting people to other people (butterfly to butterfly) that are working on similar stuff so that more dreams can be fulfilled and more leading-edge thought can come into a new evolved reality.

Three core lessons have profoundly shifted me into what became the core of Earth.University. Number one, I learned about the conditioned mind and how it does not need to define who I am. Number two, I learned what it takes to reprogram fear so that in any moment when I feel triggered, scared or otherwise, I know how to check in with myself and quickly evaluate whether I’m safe or unsafe, is it real or imagined and what I can control about it. I know how to reprogram negative thoughts quickly. That one tool has been a huge lesson for how to navigate life with a lot more ease and grace. The third thing is about how to see life in its fullness is just one thing being expressed in infinite numbers of ways. The dark, the light, the good, the bad, as perfect just as it is. Life is a learning environment. So rich and so powerful, you can’t get it in any other experience. That’s what makes it fun to be human.

I encourage people to ask themselves questions if they are considering working with a coach. Questions like:  What do I not know about myself that is getting in the way? Why is this pattern continuing to happen? What is that? Why is it that I always choose the wrong person for my love relationship? Why is it that my boss in every job I’ve ever had always seems to turn out to be this kind of person? Why it’s annoying and it keeps showing up. Ask the WHY question, why did this happen? The second kind of question is, what’s my purpose in life? I know it’s more than what I’m doing right now, but I don’t know what it is. Third question, how can I be the very best version of me and what would that be like if I was? With these questions and a few new tools, perspectives, and support, we all have the ability to become powerful creators and contributors to humanity.  Welcome to Earth.University!

Jeremy Baker

Jeremy Baker has a passion for helping his clients get recognition as experts in their fields. His approach to interviewing helps his clients tell their stories and talk about their unique set of experiences and backgrounds.