Cody Butler Lead Generation and Business Development Expert Interview

On a more business level, it’s about the expansion of the business this year.

The focus is on growth right now. The past 18 months have been spent really refining the services we offer and making them the best in class.

We offer a world-class service that’s 100% backed up by the results our clients have achieved.

Serving more people, changing more lives and adding more value than ever before, that’s the main project currently.

BI: What are 1 or 2 things you would like to say to a prospective client who stumbles across this interview?

CB: I would encourage them to ask themselves the questions: ‘What is it you really want and why don’t you have it already?’

When they uncover those reasons, they should seek the most qualified person (based on their demonstrated results) to help solve those problems.

That might be me or it might not be, but until you’re really clear about the challenges you’re facing…you can’t possibly engage the “right” person to help.

Get clear and get focused.

Finally I would ask them if this is a business or a hobby for them? Most people treat their business like it’s a hobby…no urgency, no decisiveness.

If this is a business for you, treat it like it is.

If you were diagnosed with a serious health problem you would seek urgent care.

When a business has a serious health problem, most procrastinate and delay seeking expert advice only making the problem more acute.

It truly is the truth that will ultimately set you free.

BI: To wrap this up, what are you most excited about in the upcoming months in your business?

CB: For me at this point, the most exciting thing is watching my clients’ businesses grow by leaps and bounds.

To see first hand that my success is genuinely coming at the service of others and not at the expense of others.

Upcoming live events, workshops, and guest speaker appearances are also very exciting over the next few months.

The year ahead promises to be an action-packed one.

Cody Butler is one of the world’s’ leading authorities on lead generation and businesses development.

Cody works with medium to large businesses and business owners Implementing the philosophies contained within in this book to transform businesses from the inside out by creating a successful workplace cultures and attitudes where success is the only possible outcome.

He is available for personal mentorship, corporate training and as a Keynote Speaker.

He also offers exclusive “Masterminds” and “Retreats” for qualified persons.

Cody Butler may be reached at his website: www.CodyButler.meCB



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