Dan Hammick Selected To Open An Authority Media Agency Serving Puerto Vallarta Mexico’s Area Business Owners and Professionals.

Dan Hammick Selected To Open An Authority Media Agency Serving Puerto Vallarta Mexico's Area Business Owners and Professionals.
Entrepreneur and Author, Dan Hammick, was selected to open an authority media agency in Puerto Vallarta Mexico that will focus on serving Business Owners, Real Estate agencies and Developers, Hotels, and Professional Services Practitioners.

Hammick‘s agency, PR4YOURBIZ.com will help entrepreneurs position themselves as an authority in their market using different forms of media.

“I am excited and grateful to serve people with this opportunity,” said Hammick.

Times are changing and to attract attention to a brand, a business owner needs to not only promote their business but also to promote themselves as a brand. People are moving away from liking a brand and more onto liking people. Authority branding and positioning tactics are gaining mainstream appeal, and business leaders are talking about it.

John Jantsch, the bestselling author of Duct Tape Marketing, said in an article for Entrepreneur Magazine, “Building personal brand authority is perhaps the most important element of marketing today for a brand, business, or individual trying to gain an edge. It does not matter how big or little an audience you might command, it is all about the right people believing in your point of view or way of doing business.”

A story recently on Fox News quoted from marketing guru Dan Kennedy stated, “The simple truth is, if you are not deliberately, systematically, methodically — or rapidly and dramatically — establishing yourself as a media celebrity, at least to your clientele and target market, you are asleep at the wheel, ignoring what is driving the entire economy around you, neglecting the development of a measurably valuable asset.”

Daniel Newman, a contributor for Forbes Magazine wrote, “Influencers’ may be marketing’s next ‘golden goose egg,’ as people no longer trust advertising, but they do trust people. More accurately, they trust a voice of authority.”

The demand for authority branding and positioning services is growing due to the recent media coverage, and PR4YOURBIZ.com will service that need.

Hammick said, “I enjoy working with entrepreneurs and professionals for their willingness to take risks and serve their consumers to their best ability. That spirit of being advocates and educators to help solve problems for their market betters our world. Since we are living in a world where consumers can click a few buttons and find nothing or something about you and your business, we develop market authority that leaves breadcrumbs and trails for people to find clients all over the web and in the media. We aim to help our clients to be positioned as the #1 choice in the marketplace. Further with the current Co-Vid situation, it is vital that businesses and professional services providers build up their online presence and get the word out internationally that they are open for business and any relevant information they want to alert the media and public about.”


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