Dr. Clair Talks the Truth About HCG Therapy

Dr. Clair: I think the most prevalent, particularly amongst the medical community, is that it’s no better than just starving on 500 calories without the HCG. But as I’ve mentioned already, without the HCG, people break down muscle. They look gaunt as a result. They feel tired. They’re irritable. They’re hungry, and as soon as they stop the diet, they put the weight back on.

Tom: That explains it. Well Doctor, wrap things up here. What is one thing that someone must consider to be successful, not only on an HCG Diet, but to lose weight and keep it off in general?

Dr. Clair: Well, to lose weight permanently, the first thing you need to do is to have a diet program where you only lose fat, because, again, you don’t want to be losing muscle because your body is going to rebuild the muscle the first chance it gets. Then the second thing is, after you’ve lost the weight, you want to make sure that you haven’t suppressed your own metabolism to the point where when you go back to a normal eating pattern, you start putting weight on. So you want to reset your metabolism high enough so that you can comfortably live within that new daily calorie intake without gaining weight.

Tom: Well Doctor, I want to thank you for your time today. You’ve certainly opened my eyes to the benefits of HCG therapy and how it will truly help someone not only lose all the weight they want but put them on a path of great health……Thank you

For more information about HCG Therapy go to: http://vibrancerejuvenationcenters.com/
