Dr. Eugene Elliot Reveals The Art of Looking Youthful

  • Conservative botox
  • Fillers

Those are conservative measures in the office that help offset the ravages of time as well.

Mature folks like to “set the clock back” a little bit

Dr. Elliot: And then you see the patient who’s early to mid sixties.

They’re really starting to look back at their photographs of twenty years ago.

And, a lot of their friends have gone through similar procedures successfully.

They’re still healthy.

They feel that they’re still in that window of opportunity that will allow them to undergo elective cosmetic surgery successfully.

And, they want to “set the clock back” a little bit.

Common triggers: Photos, friends and family

Conrad: There’s so much of what you’re saying that must resonate with our audience. I know it resonates with me on so many levels.

I remember my wife coming home after a colleague asked her if she was tired. She was devastated. And, she immediately began considering how she could prevent that from ever happening again. 

And it resonates with me because these are thoughts that i’v had and (I think) most folks have when they look at an old photo and say “My goodness! Is that the same person?”

Dr Elliot: Exactly! I get that response quite often.

But the initial trigger is:

“I was just at a family gathering. And, I saw those photographs and..oh my God! Do I really look like that?”

That, very commonly, is a trigger.

Triggers must ultimately come from within

Dr. Elliot: What’s most important though, is that the trigger is not an external trigger coming from, say, a significant other.

Psychologically, it’s important that (at the end of the day) the patient is the one who really wants the change. Instead of someone else. edit the recording here

That psychological component is extremely important.

Cosmetic Surgery Myths and Misconceptions

Conrad: What are some of the biggest misconceptions people have about cosmetic surgery?

Dr. Elliot: I think some of the TV shows we’ve had over the years have create some misconceptions that:

  • It’s a total “walk in the park”.
  • There really isn’t any recovery time.
  • There going to have surgery and look fabulous in a day or two.
  • They won’t have swelling and bruising.
  • They can go out dancing.

We see that response. They just need to be grounded and understand that a lot of those TV programs really aren’t reality.

There was that program not that many years ago about the extreme makeover.  Some patients come in and they have this conception that they can do many procedures at once. 

Irregardless of safety.

Because they don’t understand that as you start to accumulate surgical procedures one on top of another. And, accumulating  anesthetic time. That you’re increasing your risk as well.

So, we get those types of misconceptions.

Patients have to understand very clearly what the limitations are in their own anatomy.

That will not allow the surgeons to accomplish what they want. An example would be a patient for breast surgery.

They may want breast enhancement. And, their friend has had breast enhancement.

And they’ve seen their friend. And feel they would like to be the same size as their friend. But, their particular anatomy would not allow that.

So, they have to be grounded. And, educated as to what their particular limitations are (what their anatomy will allow).

It’s all about education

Conrad: It also get’s back to this theme of the patients need to take a tremendous amount of responsibility in the process. Because, if they don’t, there’s going to be plenty of people that will just say “yes” to whatever they want.

And, that “yes” may be taking them down the wrong path.

Dr. Elliot: Absolutely. It will be a very slippery slope.

How to learn what’s right for you

Conrad: How could somebody that’s considering cosmetic surgery, learn more about what’s right for them?

Dr Elliot:  In general, when a patient is looking for a plastic surgeon, should be to find a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon).

So what does that mean? That sounds simple but it’s very confusing.

Because there’s only one board for plastic surgeons. Real Plastic Surgeons. And it’s called the American Board of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.

And if the surgeon is Board Certified, it (at least) assures the patient that they’ve:

Gone through appropriate and proper training.

Have taken both oral and written exams (which are quite difficult…similar to a Bar Exam for an attorney). And,

Have the proper credentials.

The confusion lies in the Board Certification.

Because, there are other physicians that call themselves “Plastic Surgeons”. But, they’re not certified by the American Board of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.

Now, there is slight overlap.

You have what are called “Oculoplastic Surgeons” who may be Ophthalmologists who are trained in plastic surgery procedures around the eye.

And, they’re very well trained (legitimately trained).

Then, you have overlap with ear, nose and throat surgeons. And, here’s where it gets a little confusing. They have their own board.

But, it’s not a truly recognized board.

And some ear, nose and throat surgeons, although they’re qualified and trained for surgeries from the neck up, they stray down below the neck. And still claim legitimacy.

So patients really have to do their homework.

So, that’s a good starting point. Then, getting a referral.  A happy patient. A successful outcome is a superb referral. I do no advertising in my practice.

It’s all based upon taking care of one patient at a time. And, making that patient happy. Who will tell another patient about their experience.

And then…in the community..physicians know. Nurses know. They see you operate. They may not see an outcome but they hear about it.

So there’s several ways to get to a Plastic Surgeon.

At the end of the day it’s chemistry. It’s feeling comfortable with that particular surgeon.

It’s feeling comfortable that surgeon spent enough time with them…explained everything well enough.

I teach at UCI and I gave a lecture the Residents last night. And I told them that it’s a quantum leap for a patient to come into your office where (in two separate sessions) you may:

Spend two hours with them in consultation.

The staff may spend another thirty to forty-five minutes with them (Educating them).

So after three hours, they have the confidence to lie down, be put to sleep and let someone operate on them.

I’ve been in practice over thirty years and I still find that amazing.


Conrad: I fell like we’ve barely touched the surface on so many of these issues.

Conrad Bosmans

Conrad Bosmans is the Founder and CEO of VAMO Media and the host of How To Squared and Voice Activated Marketing Radio Shows where he covers cutting edge marketing innovators, tools and transformations